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Daily Stock Report: KSE-100 Index Drops 180 Points to Close At 49,300

From the Blog propakistani The stock market couldn't sustain its 50,000 level during the last day of the week. It was at its highest level since January 27, 2017 on Monday. KSE-100 recorded a loss of -180.80 points or – 0.37% by the end of the trading session to close at 49300.90 points. Index had a volatile day and […] - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Where to Get the Best Charsi Tikka in Peshawar?

From the Blog cheflingtales On a serious note, if you haven't tried the famous charsi tikka, consider yourself unfortunate! By flavoring these tikkas with just salt, Charsi Tikka is surely a definition of love. Charsi Tikka is a blend of Persian and Afghani cuisine, which offers customers a flavorful experience brought together from different regions. *These 3 places are my favorite spots when it comes to charsi tikka.* *Khyber Charsi Tikka* At the Khyber Charsi Tikka Restaurant, one gets to try one of the most mouthwatering and scrumptious tikka, they have ever tried. If you ask Peshawari people where to get the best charsi tikka, Khyber charsi tikka will pop up first. *Charsi Tikka House -Namak Mandi* As the name suggests, at Namak Mandi you'll get a delectable flavoring of salt on these delicious tipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5768652410652149675 Pakistani Blog Posts


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