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~My Visit to the Islamabad Literatry Festival : A giant dose of literature for book lovers ~

From the Blog areejusmanIslamabad's 5th Literature Festival was held in Mid April in Islamabad. The festival featured a line-versup of around 150 leading Pakistani and international authors, academics, journalists and artists along with exhibitions, book fair and a sumptuous food court. The three-day festival was organized by Oxford University Press (OUP). The inaugural session was attended by the leading journalists, writers, poets, intellectuals and a large number of visitors. ILF co-founder Asif Farrukhi welcomed the audience to the event and said: "The change in weather was the first thing I noticed. I wish you pleasant evenings over the next few days as we focus on books, literature, social and historical issues. The ILF has now firmly taken root and established itself in the local soil, completelpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4979715916911029413 Pakistani Blog Posts


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