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The Bosses – 3rd installment

From the Blog iabhopal Click here to read 1st Installment Click here to read 2nd Installment "It's surprising to me just how willing leaders are to really undermine group success in favor of their own power. In one experiment these leaders paired the highly skilled person with a work partner who the leaders knew would not like or get along well with his skilled colleague. In another experiment they made this individual work alone in a room, even after being told that working closely with teammates would improve performance. "It's surprising to me just how willing leaders are to really undermine group success in favor of their own power," Maner says. "These talented, highly skilled group members are in one of the best positions to help the group succeed. But rather than being seen as a valuable allypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Freedom of Religion: Islamic Pakistan vs Secular India

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Muhammad Fateh Farooq* While scrolling through different T.V channels, not stopping at anyone and getting annoyed, I got stuck on a channel on which a highly crowded gathering was seen, sitting calmly and listening very attentively to the speaker. This attitude of the audience forced me to stop at that channel and made me curious to see what really was happening there. My eye suddenly caught the logo of the channel which was named as 'Peace TV Urdu", making me curious about the happening there. I started watching the channel and within seconds the speaker appeared on the TV screen and it was none other than the famous Muslim cleric Dr.Zakir Naik. After a couple of minutes, I came to know that the program was recorded in India, indeed in Gujarat, an Indian state which ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8801120478196864934 Pakistani Blog Posts


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