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The Residual Noise

From the Blog cybegeekI don't like to be alone with my thoughts, rather drown in the white noise. Regrets longing love and hatred in a single thread, what a tangled mess, some happiness. Despair agony betrayal misery that's the way things used to be, even though time has gone full speed, wish I could set myself free. What of those who were there for a moment and then lost, what of those who were there for you. Reliving a memory that sweet haunting melody, a cry for help, help me almighty, my heart only you can see, empty. I don't even know what these tears are for, of a memory of agony? Nothing left but that, a memory... how can I let it go, It's not that I'm not greatful for what I have now, it's all I ever wanted, beautiful.... It's the past that haunts me, it's that untold story which kills me, itpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6318414892372063809 Pakistani Blog Posts


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