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I'm Getting Serious

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesI covered this a little bit in the previous blog post where I talked about how the past three weeks (not counting this week) have been pretty tough in terms of how much energy I had. I had been pretty demotivated in terms of studying and would spend my tired evenings watching Dexter. Now that my new module has started, however, I've been kicking myself back into gear when it comes to studying. And to be very honest? A lot of it could be attributed to this video: Disclaimer: the video has great content but the sound effects are really loud and very annoying.... The USMLE is an exam that has to be given in order to get a license to practice in the United States. It consists of three different tests but for the moment, I'm only concerned with the first test, called Step 1. It wouldpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7027578170355025119 Pakistani Blog Posts


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