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3 Places to Get the Best Kabuli Pulao in Islamabad

From the Blog cheflingtales Apart from all the sickness and flu this season brings; one thing is so heavenly that you simply cannot resist it. We are talking about the reddish and juicy carrots. Kabuli Pulao (Afghani rice) is the delightful blend of subtle sweetness and crispy fried carrots, accompanied by rice and meat. The texture of almonds, pistachios, and chopped nuts bring a richness to the flavor that is unique in taste and texture! Speaking of this flavorsome treat, a few of our favorite places offer the best Kabuli pulao in Islamabad. *1. Habibi Restaurant* This restaurant provides both the hospitality of Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa and best traditional food under one roof. Habibi Restaurant has a variety of desi cuisines ranging from spicy barbecue to namkeen Karhai. The best thing on the menu must pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1820525286979452505 Pakistani Blog Posts


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