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Does Islam Allow Slavery ? Part-3

From the Blog iabhopal (Continued after February 02, 2017 As far as the war it has been referred to, let me correct you on your information. In the battle of Bani Mustaliq, the prisoners captured were either freed in the battlefield as a favour while some others were freed on ransom. The Prophet (sws) brought the remaining prisoners to Madinah and while waiting for their families to procure them, gave them into the temporary custody of his Companions (rta). Since at that time, the prohibition of slavery was passing through the interim period when it was still intact for reasons stated earlier, the Prophet (sws) accepted the right of masters to have sexual intercourse with the slave women as was the international law at that time but set about taking steps that could prevent this from actually happepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

آنکھوں سے مِری کون مرے خواب لے گیا

From the Blog ranaii-e-khayalغزل​ آنکھوں سے مِری کون مرے خواب لے گیا چشمِ صدف سے گوہرِ نایاب لے گیا اِس شہرِ خوش جمال کو کِس کی لگی ہے آہ کِس دل زدہ کا گریہ خونناب لے گیا کُچھ نا خدا کے فیض سے ساحل بھی دُور تھا کُچھ قسمتوں کے پھیر میں گرداب لے گیا واں شہر ڈُوبتے ہیں یہاں بحث کہ اُنہیں خُم لے گیا ہے یا خمِ محراب لے گیا کچھ کھوئی کھوئی آنکھیں بھی موجوں کے ساتھ تھیں شاید اُنہیں بہا کے کوئی خواب لے گیا طوفان اَبر و باد میں سب گیت کھو گئے جھونکا ہَوا کا ہاتھ سے مِضراب لے گیا غیروں کی دشمنی نے نہ مارا،مگر ہمیں اپنوں کے التفات کا زہر اب لے گیا اے آنکھ!اب تو خواب کی دُنیا سے لوٹ آ "مژگاں تو کھول!شہر کو سیلاب لے گیا!" پروین شاکر​ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Book Review: "The Season of Love, Bitter Almonds and Delayed Rains" by Mazhar ul Islam.

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Yasir Khan* Faces engraved with dirges, thoughts baffled by confusion, eyes filled to the brim with hopelessness, postures weighed down by wait; these are some of the traits that mark the characters of Mazhar ul Islam's Urdu stories. *The Season of Love, Bitter Almonds and Delayed Rains *—a short story collection— is one of the many works of this Pakistani short story writer and novelist. Mr Islam is the recipient of President's Pride of Performance award for Literature, and a medalist for his contributions to Folk Studies. The collection has been edited and translated into English by Dr. Christopher Shackle, retired Professor of Modern Languages of South Asia in the University of London. Dr. Shackel is an orientalist who is considered to be a foremost linguistic autpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3570939149944806588 Pakistani Blog Posts


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