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How I earned $150 by shopping

From the Blog flavorsinlife Working as a freelancer has enabled me to go through several experiences along with different clients from around the world. And sometimes you get of have job proposals that are completely different from the services you provide. Working in People per hour has been a great experience for me. Almost all of my clients pays […] The post How I earned $150 by shopping appeared first on Flavors in Life. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Bad Poetry

From the Blog awaisaftabI have written a lot of bad poetry over the years; I still do. The blog is a witness to that. Although I recognize the poems to be of relatively low literary value... they have been and are of therapeutic value for me. One may ask... why not keep them private then? I feel there is something emotionally different about a poem that is kept private (for instance, in a diary) versus a poem that is made public. Perhaps it has something with allowing the world to see one's vulnerability. The poems do not serve the same function for me if they are not shared. (Possibly, in some sense, this applies to my blogging in general as well.) I also feel an obligation to myself to become the best poet I have the potential to be. Even if at best I am still a shitty poet, it doesn't matter, bepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Careem Drives More Smiles; Rewards Captain for his Hard Work

From the Blog telecompk style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2983676629643435″ data-ad-slot="8774799491″ data-ad-format="auto"> *Pakistan, March 20th 2017* – Drawing on its transparent approach to making a difference in people's lives, the region's leading ride-hailing app, Careem, has decided to reward one of their Captains with an Umrah package for him and his family. Careem is known to set precedents for its employees by rewarding them for their honesty and hard work by incentivizing with unique ideas such as this one. This helps build focus on reinforcing Careem's position as an employer of choice with a highly motivated and engaged workforce. This particular success story came to the surface when the company rewarded said Captain for his hard work and disciplined resilience. The Captapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7003764429643171041 Pakistani Blog Posts


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