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SINDH / INDUS VALLEY: A Time Travel Through Imagination

From the Blog faizansworld I believe no one will agree to what I am about to write as there is no real evidence to support my claim. So what? How much do we know about the early human history? What information have we preserved from few thousand years to how low so ever? Not much. Much of our history remains unwritten, inaccessible, and forbidden because of lack of evidence. But there must be someone to start, someone who won't care about cold facts but will be willing to harness the energy of his imagination, and someone who will dare to travel through time. As I am moving back and forth in time, passing from different phases of civilizations, I can see clearly the ancient land of Sindh, my home land. Rationally, I tried to link Sindh with non Aryan traditions before, but I was too biased by then. I rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6044346257517107384 Pakistani Blog Posts


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