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City Portraits – Aashiq Hussain

From the Blog thekarachiwallaIt all started with a little bit of misunderstanding. I was walking down Dhol Gali when I saw him pointing in my direction. I wondered if he minded my camera so I smiled sheepishly and put it down. As I approached him he started complaining that I have ruined his business by parking a van […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

US Tourist Puts Pakistan Among Top 10 Favorites After Visiting 196 Countries

From the Blog riazhaqCassie De Pecol, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records for traveling to all 196 countries of the world in shortest time, has put Pakistan at number 5 among the top 10 "must visit" countries. Other countries on De Pecol's top 10 list are: Mongolia, Bhutan, Maldives, Vanuatu, Oman, Tunisia, Peru, Costa Rica and USA. Lahore Fort Source: Telegraph De Pecol said people must visit Pakistan "to get a true sense of raw, authentic Asian culture, and for the food." Earlier, in an Instagram message at the start of her Pakistan visit she wrote: "My time here in Pakistan has just begun and has been one of the many wonderfully educational and culturally enriching experiences…. Don't judge by its color or a country by the media", according to media reports. De Pecol, a Connecticut pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9030170586334214608 Pakistani Blog Posts


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