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La La Land

From the Blog awaisaftabThere is a certain joy in discovering words written by others that so aptly capture your own thoughts and reactions. *From NYT review:* 'The difference between selling out and breaking through is not always clear, and "La La Land" is not so hypocritical as to pretend otherwise.' 'The real tension in "La La Land" is between ambition and love, and perhaps the most up-to-date thing about it is the way it explores that ancient conflict.... the drive for professional success is, for young people at the present time, both more realistic and more romantic than the pursuit of boy-meets-girl happily-ever-after. Love is contingent. Art is commitment.' '[Chazelle] outdoes himself in the last 20 minutes of "La La Land," and outdoes just about every other director of his generation, wrappingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9074859959361970285 Pakistani Blog Posts


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