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Lahore gets CCTV Cameras under Punjab Safe City Project

From the Blog fmcommunication [image: Lahore safe city cctv command control center] Lahore, now becomes the 3rd Pakistani city after Karachi and Islamabad which officially equipped with high end CCTV Cameras connected with integrated video surveillance system. CM Punjab Mian Shehbaz Sharif today i.e, 11-Oct-2016, inaugurated the Lahore Safe City Project. CCTV surveillance system is part of the Punjab Safe City Project. Lahore gets IP based Night-Vision cameras, according to news details 8023 surveillance cameras have been installed, 800 vehicles equipped with cameras will also be supporting the integrated command and control center. [image: safe city project ppic3 control room cctv] The project will make use of 4G LTE technology for the entire network's communication neds. The live streams of the cameras wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8184474941915437650 Pakistani Blog Posts


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