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Birthday Celebration..

From the Blog ayesha Our family don't celebrate birthdays, we usually go out have dinner on birthdays.. and that was the only plan for my 29th birthday [8th December] too.. but thanks to family & friends, had to cut 3 cakes in whole day, had dinner with friends & family.. AND highlight of the day.. celebrated birthday with fellows at Fatimid Foundation [image: 🙂] Nothing can be greater than sharing happiness with others, we all should celebrate our birthdays, any good news with less fortunate.. and even if there is no reason, no birthday we shouldn't forget them [image: 🙂] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Secular Jinnah and the so called Department of Islamic Reconstruction

From the Blog pakteahouse By Yasser Latif Hamdani Before fake news there was Orya Maqbool Jan. These are the people who brought you Jinnah's diary which was discovered in the 1980s by Zia's government. I have already written about this issue but the thing with lies is that you have to be ever vigilant in combating it. So before I begin I must quote what I said in 2013: A new lie has been concocted by chachas of Nazaria-e-Pakistan now especially by Orya Maqbool Jan and Safdar Mahmood- two of the most dishonest liars when it comes to the history of Pakistan. The story goes that there was a Department of Islamic Reconstruction and to chair this Department of Reconstruction of Islam, Jinnah chose Muhammad Asad, formerly Leopold Weiss, the "Jewish Lawrence of Arabia". Here is the problem: *The Facts- yepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8479653245314808884 Pakistani Blog Posts


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