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Ring in 2018 with 3 of these Places in Islamabad

From the blog cheflingtales Bringing 2017 to a close and initiating 2018 on the right note is necessary to have a good year ahead. And what is better to for foodies than deals and offer to avail on the New Year's Eve. We are bringing you 3 places that should be considered dining in the new year in Islamabad. 1. *F-7, Jinnah Super* What better way to stepping into 2018 with Islamabad's most iconic spot? Jinnah Super is one of the most popular destinations for events and with the number of eateries offering delicious menus ranging from s*izzling steaks of OX and Grill to delicious roll paratha of Pan corner. *Yes, it will be busy and crowded, and it will be an epic time. Essential Place to visit is *Chikachino*, the famous tea and the extravagant menu with an amazing location make Chikachino an amazinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 30 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ اگر انسانی رویوں میں الجھوگے تو زندگی الجھن میں گزرے گی. بس اپنا ذاتی رویہ سلجھائے رکھو، الجھنیں اور مسائل دور‎ ‎ہوتے جائیں گے. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ring in 2018 with 3 of these Places in Islamabad

From the blog cheflingtales Bringing 2017 to a close and initiating 2018 on the right note is necessary to have a good year ahead. And what is better to for foodies than deals and offer to avail on the New Year's Eve. We are bringing you 3 places that should be considered dining in the new year in Islamabad. 1. *F-7, Jinnah Super* What better way to stepping into 2018 with Islamabad's most iconic spot? Jinnah Super is one of the most popular destinations for events and with the number of eateries offering delicious menus ranging from s*izzling steaks of OX and Grill to delicious roll paratha of Pan corner. *Yes, it will be busy and crowded, and it will be an epic time. Essential Place to visit is *Chikachino*, the famous tea and the extravagant menu with an amazing location make Chikachino an amazinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cryptocurrencies for Dummies – My Facebook Video Live Session on the subject of Investing.

From the blog faisalkhanCryptocurrencies for Dummies I recently did a small Facebook live session on cryptocurrencies for dummies (so to speak), but essentially covering the issues of investing in cryptocurrencies for my friends, family and colleagues. Here is the recording of that event. The post Cryptocurrencies for Dummies – My Facebook Video Live Session on the subject of Investing. appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City Notebook – Dramatic Readings at Bedal Library

From the blog thekarachiwallaYou get to see certain type of people at certain type of events in Karachi. You start to recognize them as you frequent events happening across the city. The people at Dramatic Readings are distinct in their outlook. They are there to listen to Urdu Short Stories. But they are not serious Urdu readers and […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔۔ 29 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ خوش رہا کرو - پریشان رہنے والوں کو کبھی کچھ نہیں ملا - اگر ملا بھی تو وہ اس سے لطف اندوز کبھی نہیں ہو سکے ! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Meet Our Pakistani Food Ambassadors – 2017

From the blog cheflingtales Promoting Pakistani food around the world needs one characteristic and that is passion. When looking for ambassadors for our campaign The Pakistani Food Ambassador – 2017, we knew that passion for Pakistani food is what is needed to promote the cuisine that is already loved to be devoured. After receiving more than 50 entries from around 20 different destinations around the world we chose the ones that depicted true passion. Come meet our Pakistani Food Ambassadors from around the World that are passionately promoting Pakistani cuisine at its best. *Samina Tariq * Samina Tariq is a 45-year-old British Pakistani living in Scotland. She documents Pakistani food in various ways. She caters events, writes, and teaches about the Pakistani cuisine in Scotland. She also runs a small pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Numbers of Girls

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Numbers of Girls, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

Comments Permalink Home 7050700403494243217 Pakistani Blog Posts

Win a box of yummilicious cupcakes

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeAnd that too delivered right at your doorstep! We are very excited to announce our first competition 🎉🎉 that will let you win a box of 6 chocolate cupcakes!! So here's your chance to win a box of 6 chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting from a home based bakery, Mummy's Delight, owned by the very… Continue reading Win a box of yummilicious cupcakespakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Loft Islamabad~An Experience over a Dinner!

From the blog areejusmanA couple of months ago I was invited to this cozy looking cafe in the heart of Islamabad called THE LOFT! Loft gives you exactly the same feeling as it is climb a wooden staircase that leads to an attic room where all the food is stored..but here the change is thus that the food is served to you in the cozy environment. Loved the look of the menu Black and white always gives a timeless look. Though there isnt a lot of variety on the menu but the items that are present on the menu are selected very carefully and most of them are exclusive in their tastes! Now let me tell you what me,my hubby and kiddo ordered for dinner! *Starters:* *Quesadillas* *Mulligatawny Soup * The layers of the quesadillas were perfectly balanced with the main ingrediants and the outside was ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایک راستہ کُھلا رکھنا

From the blog theajmals امام احمد ؒ بن حَنبل کہتے ہیں ایک بار راہ چلتے ہوئے میں نے دیکھا کہ ایک ڈاکو لوگوں کو لوٹ رہا ہے ۔ کچھ دِنوں بعد مجھے وہی شخص مسجد میں نماز پڑھتا نظر آیا ۔ میں اس کے پاس گیا اور اسے سمجھایا کہ تمہاری یہ کیا نماز ہے ۔ الله تعالٰی کے ساتھ معاملہ یُوں نہیں کیا جاتا کہ ایک طرف تم لوگوں کو لُوٹو اور دوسری طرف تمہاری نماز الله کو قبول ہو اور پسند آتی رہے ڈاکو بولا "امام صاحب ۔ میرے اور الله کے مابین تقریباً سب دروازے بند ہیں ۔ میں چاہتا ہوں کوئی ایک دروازہ میرے اور الله کے مابین کھُلا رہے کچھ عرصہ بعد میں حج پر گیا ۔ طواف کے دوران دیکھتا ہوں کہ ایک شخص کعبہ کے غلاف سے چمٹ کر کھڑا کہتا جا رہا ہے "میری توبہ ۔ مجھے معاف کردے ۔ میں اِس نافرمانی کی طرف کبھی پلَٹنے والا نہیں"۔ میں نے دیکھنا چاہا کہ اِس بےخودی کے عالم میں آہیں بھَر بھَر کر رونے والا کون خوش قسمت ہے ؟ کیا دیکھتا ہوں ۔ یہ وہی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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GE Turbine Problems Hit Power Generation at 3 Pakistani Plants

From the blog riazhaqPakistan's Central Power Purchasing Agency's report shows that General Electric's 9HA-Class turbines produced only half of their capacity this August, according to Reuters. Power executives and government officials in the country said the GE turbines had operational issues like long outages and production delays. *GE Turbine Problems:* Bhikki Power Plant, Punjab, PakistanThe GE turbine problems affected three key plants – Bhikki of Punjab government and Balloki and Haveli Bahadur Shah of the federal government – with a total capacity of 3,600MW that are considered crucial to end load shedding within the ruling PMLN's 5-year term ending middle of 2018. *Consequences For Pakistan:* Pakistan's government is failing to deliver on its promise to end load-shedding this year becausepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نظم ۔ راہ مسدود ہے ۔ محمد احمد

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalراہ مسدود ہے ہر طرف کتنی چھوٹی بڑی گاڑیاں آڑی ٹیڑھی پھنسی بیچ چوراہے پر ڈرائیور* پان کی پیک منہ میں لئے گالیاں دے رہے ہیں ہوا میں کسی دوسرے ڈرائیور کا تصوّر کیے پان کی پیک، بس کا دھواں ڈرائیور کے غلاظت بھرے منہ سے اُگلی ہوئی گالیاں جُز تعفّن نہیں کچھ، نہیں کچھ یہاں نظم مفقود ہے راہ مسدود ہے اُس کو جانے کی جلدی تھی اُس نے غلط راہ لی اُس کی جلدی کا عفریت کتنے ہی لوگوں کے معمول کو کھا گیا اب سبھی گاڑیاں راستے میں پھنسی ہیں کئی ہاتھ ہارن سے چمٹے ہوئے ہیں مگر کوئی بڑھ کر کہاں دیکھتا ہے کہ سُلجھاؤ کا راستہ ہے کہاں سوچ مفقو د ہے راہ مسدود ہے محمد احمدؔ نوٹ: انگریزی لفظ ڈرائیور کو فاعلن کے وزن پر باندھا گیا ہے جو اپنے اصل تلفظ سے زیادہ قریب ہے۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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winter verses

From the blog gsntahir the light tap of a drizzle singing the soft song of winter verses in the midst of the night on the green fibreglass awning heralding the first winter rain petrichor permeating all and though welcome the sound, smell and pull of the fulfilled collective wish of a rain to ease the parched earth and throat became not a winter verse but a winter verses duvet struggle which the duvet won! . . . lahore – 1:45 pm 26.12.2017 00:45 29/12/17 . . read out today 29-12-2017 at books and beans lahore pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tracing Pakistan's Scrumptious Food Trail

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* At first glance, Pakistan Heritage Cuisine – A Food Story, is a beautiful coffee table book. Replete with gorgeous photography, the book is an ode to Pakistan, its people and most importantly, to its diverse cuisine. Penned by an entrepreneur based in Karachi, Sayeeda Leghari, and published Markings, a local publishing house, Leghari states that she wanted to give back to Pakistan in some way or the other, given her immense love for her country. Being a diehard foodie, the overall subject of the book – food – thus, was an obvious choice. "We don't have a huge book culture coming out of Pakistan," Leghari states, mentioning that print, for her, was therefore the best medium to celebrate the country's exhaustive, gastronomic range of grub that has been served upakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Win 25 Gaming PCs With Mountain Dew

From the blog telecompk style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2983676629643435″ data-ad-slot="8774799491″ data-ad-format="auto"> Want to win a beast machine and seriously boost your PC gaming skills? Mountain Dew is giving away 25 Origin PC Neurons to 25 lucky winners this month! The competition* began on 6 December 2017. 7 winners have been announced on Mountain Dew PK's Facebook page – 18 PCs remain to be won. The machines have INTEL I3-7350K processors and come with two hard drives for ample storage: 120GB and 1TB respectively. They are custom configured by Origin and run MS Windows 10 Home for a smooth gaming experience. Single 16GB Origin Recovery USB Drives are also included in the packages. Asides from the impressive specs onboard, the PCs have a sleek, streamlined design. The MSI Hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 28 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ جب انسان کے دل میں لوگوں کیلئے سچی محبت ہوتی ہے تو ان کی گفتگو میں سچی دلچسپی ظاہر ہوتی ہے۔ اور رویے سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ بات کاٹنے یا مختصر کرنے کی کوئی وجہ تلاش نہیں کی جا رہی، اور نہ ہی کسی دل بہلانے والی بات پر ہنسنے میں کسی قسم کی کوئی رکاوٹ ہوتی ہے۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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all that

From the blog randomlyabstract a g i t a t i o n This time of the year you want to give up. You are *so* done. You could pack a bag and scurry off to the hills or something… even though this wasn't what you wanted. But if you could find peace in any form you'll want to go after it. You are happy. You are laughing. You are making others laugh. There are fun sounds and dramatic gestures and such a sacred feeling of gratefulness it scares you. You can see the mess. You know what it is even when you're tapping your fingers on the keyboard pretending you can't find the word *you know you know the word*, you know it's called s t r u g g l e and sometimes it's a name and sometimes, it's a silly count of all your poems you never had the guts to share. When you end a day and begin another, you pat yourself on the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 28 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ جب انسان کے دل میں لوگوں کیلئے سچی محبت ہوتی ہے تو ان کی گفتگو میں سچی دلچسپی ظاہر ہوتی ہے۔ اور رویے سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ بات کاٹنے یا مختصر کرنے کی کوئی وجہ تلاش نہیں کی جا رہی، اور نہ ہی کسی دل بہلانے والی بات پر ہنسنے میں کسی قسم کی کوئی رکاوٹ ہوتی ہے۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تخیلات خرابات شعریات کہ دل

From the blog urdu تخیلات خرابات شعریات کہ دل سخن گری کے پرانے تکلفات کہ دل سراب کیا ہے یہ تیرے تصورات کہ تو عذاب کیا ہے یہ دل کے معاملات کہ دل نئے سرے سے بناؤں مگر بناؤں کیا اصولِ شعر کہ تصویرِ کائنات کہ دل دوامِ تشنگئِ غم کا ذمہ‌دار ہے کون نمِ فرات کہ دل چشمۂِ حیات کہ دل نہ جانے عظمتِ آدم کا کون وارث ہے جہانِ رفتہ کے ساتوں عجائبات کہ دل خدا سے پوچھ کبھی کیا عظیم ہے زاہد تری زکات کہ دنیا تری صلات کہ دل ہوا حضور میں... Source pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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all that

From the blog randomlyabstract a g i t a t i o n This time of the year you want to give up. You are *so* done. You could pack a bag and scurry off to the hills or something… even though this wasn't what you wanted. But if you could find peace in any form you'll want to go after it. You are happy. You are laughing. You are making others laugh. There are fun sounds and dramatic gestures and such a sacred feeling of gratefulness it scares you. You can see the mess. You know what it is even when you're tapping your fingers on the keyboard pretending you can't find the word *you know you know the word*, you know it's called s t r u g g l e and sometimes it's a name and sometimes, it's a silly count of all your poems you never had the guts to share. When you end a day and begin another, you pat yourself on the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 27 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ اچھا فیصلہ کرنے کی صلاحیت تجربے سے پیدا ہوتی ہے؛ لیکن تجربہ خراب فیصلوں سے آتا ہے۔ یہی زندگی ہے۔ لہٰذا پچھتاوا نہ کریں۔ غلطیوں سے سبق حاصل کریں اور زندگی میں قدم آگے بڑھاتے رہیں۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog faizansworld The land of Sindh is mostly covered with carpet of fertile plains and barren deserts. Here, the Sufis spent some moments of privacy and meditated secretly. Here, the old river Indus flows through the entire length of province before finally merging in the ocean. Both the Sufis and the river's flow found some support of a mountainous range in the west which helped them not to drift away from a determined path. These mountains, these friends of the mystics and guards of the river, hold many interesting places in their ranks. One of them is 'Gorakh Hill Station.' The Gorakh is one of the highest plateaus of Sindh. Standing at the height of 5689 ft, this only hill station of Sindh is located in Kirthar Mountains about 94 km northwest of Dadu district, Sindh. It is the only place wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 27 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ اچھا فیصلہ کرنے کی صلاحیت تجربے سے پیدا ہوتی ہے؛ لیکن تجربہ خراب فیصلوں سے آتا ہے۔ یہی زندگی ہے۔ لہٰذا پچھتاوا نہ کریں۔ غلطیوں سے سبق حاصل کریں اور زندگی میں قدم آگے بڑھاتے رہیں۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog faizansworld The land of Sindh is mostly covered with carpet of fertile plains and barren deserts. Here, the Sufis spent some moments of privacy and meditated secretly. Here, the old river Indus flows through the entire length of province before finally merging in the ocean. Both the Sufis and the river's flow found some support of a mountainous range in the west which helped them not to drift away from a determined path. These mountains, these friends of the mystics and guards of the river, hold many interesting places in their ranks. One of them is 'Gorakh Hill Station.' The Gorakh is one of the highest plateaus of Sindh. Standing at the height of 5689 ft, this only hill station of Sindh is located in Kirthar Mountains about 94 km northwest of Dadu district, Sindh. It is the only place wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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2017: The Year Islamophobia Went Mainstream

From the blog riazhaqIslamophobia is no longer extreme; the year 2017 saw it go mainstream in Europe, India, the United States and several other parts of the world. Openly Islamophobic Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as president of the United States in 2017. India's largest state of Uttar Pradesh elected rabidly anti-Muslim chief minister Yogi Adiyanath who was hand-picked by Muslim-hating Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2017. Neo-Nazis made significant electoral gains with their anti-Islam rhetoric in several European nations while Burma and Israel continued to get away with the murder of innocent Muslim civilians in 2017. These alarming trends are reminiscent of the rise of Nazi Party led by Germany's Adolf Hitler who brought disaster to Europe and the rest of the world less than a century ago.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan e-commerce consortium (PEC) held their first meetup on 16th December, 2017 – PakEcomConnect

From the blog fancyontheroad Along with many useful and supportive groups for techs, Anum Kamran, owner of created a Facebook group called Pakistan e-commerce consortium (PEC) for eCommerce owners to support and promote online shopping in Pakistan. Pakistan e-commerce consortium (PEC) held this their first ever meetup which was attended by many local and few international eCommerce pioneers , technologies and few other women for discussion. The meetup was held at Center for Entrepreneurial Development (Aman-CED) inside IBA's main campus on Saturday 16th Dec. including : - Shayaan Tahir (CEO –, - Abid Beli (Founder & CEO – Beliscity and Delivery Walay), - Saad Jangda (Founder & CEO –, - Shehzad Rah(Director – Paxi) - Anum Kamran (Founder & CEO – Buyon.ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بھلے لوگوں کی صفات۔۔۔۔ خطبہ مسجد الحرام (اقتباس)

From the blog seems77 بھلے لوگوں کی صفات مسجد حرام کے امام وخطیب فضیلۃ الشیخ فیصل بن جمیل الغزاوی جمعۃ المبارک 4 ربیع الثانی 1439 ہ بمطابق 22 دسمبر 2017 ترجمہ محمد عاطف الیاس اللہ رب العالمین کے لیے بے انتہا، پاکیزہ اور بابرکت تعریف ہے۔ بالکل ویسی تعریف جیسی ہمارے رب کو پسند ہے اور جس سے وہ راضی ہوتا ہے۔ میں گواہی دیتا ہوں کہ اللہ کے سوا کوئی الٰہ نہیں ہے۔ وہ واحد ہے۔ اس کا کوئی شریک نہیں ہے۔ دنیا وآخرت میں ساری تعریف اسی کے لیے ہے۔ میں یہ بھی گواہی دیتا ہوں کہ محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اللہ کے بندے اور رسول ہیں۔ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم دین رحمت اور ہدایت کے ساتھ مبعوث کیے گئے تھے۔ اللہ کی رحمتیں برکتیں اور سلامتی ہو آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر پاکیزہ اور نیک اہل بیت پر، آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی بیویوں امہات المومنین پر، تمام صحابہ کرام پر اور قیامت تک ان کے نقش قدم پر چلنے والوں پر۔ اے مسلمان بھائیو!pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Mobile Phone Numbers : Telenor, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to: Choosing the Perfect Photographer for your Wedding

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeA wedding day is the most memorable but challenging day in one's life where couples want everything to be perfect. You will surely want to capture the soothing bond of togetherness on your wedding day to make your memories last till eternity. Therefore, finding the right photographer for your wedding is of crucial importance who… Continue reading How to: Choosing the Perfect Photographer for your Weddingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Do not Take it Serious

From the blog iabhopal Brains of older people are slow because they know so much. People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains, scientists believe. Much like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full, so, too, do humans take longer to access information when their brains are full. Researchers say this slowing down process is not the same as cognitive decline. The human brain works slower in old age, said Dr. Michael Ramscar, but only because we have stored more information over time. The brains of older people do not get weak. On the contrary, they simply know more. Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for. It is NOTpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Touch me softly then go!!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Touch me softly then go!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bride of the Year

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeLast week, one particular event took the subcontinent by storm. From trending top of the list on Twitter to every social media page sharing pictures, the hype of this incident was crazy. Yes – I'm talking about Vanushka's wedding. The couple tied the knot in the picturesque views of Italy on December 11th. But the… Continue reading Bride of the Yearpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City Landmarks – Reading Room in Marwari Lines

From the blog thekarachiwallaKarachi's lost tradition of Reading rooms. You can perhaps count remaining few in Karachi on fingertips. However Mir Muhammad Baloch Progressive Academy reading room is one vibrant community space in the heart of Marwari Lines. I find Ali Akbar, caretaker and librarian basking in winter sun outside the small reading room. He takes pride in […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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یومِ ولادت قائد اعظم کے حوالے سے

From the blog theajmals الله کے حُکم سے پاکستان بنانے والے مسلمانانِ ہند کے عظیم راہنما قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح کا آج یومِ ولادت ہے ۔ میں اس حوالے سے قائد اعظم کے متعلق لکھی ہوئی چند اہم تحاریر کے عنوان مع روابط لکھ رہا ہوں ۔ آپ سب پاکستانی ہیں یا کم از کم پاکستان سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں ۔ آپ کو پاکستان کے متعلق بنیادی حقائق معلوم ہونا چاہئیں تاکہ معاندانہ پروپیگنڈہ سے محفوظ رہ سکیں قائد اعظم کی خواہش پر کہ بھارت کے ساتھ نہ کیا جائے پاکستان کا اعلان 14 اور 15 اگست کی درمیانی رات 11 بج کر 57 منٹ پر اور بھارت کا 12 بجے کے بعد کیا گیا ۔ 27 رمضان المبارک 1366 ھ اور 15 اگست 1947ء بروز جمعة المبارک سرزمینِ پاکستان پر آزادی کا پہلا سورج طلوع ہوا ۔ اللہ سُبحانُہُ و تعالٰی نے ہمیں اپنے آزاد ملک کا تحفہ ایک مقدس دن کو عنائت فرمایا ۔ اس دن قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح نے قوم سے اپنے پہلے خطاب میں جو پیغام دیا تھا نہائت افpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Debunking the Myth of the Silk Road

From the blog odysseuslahoriEos on December 3 carried an article on the journey of some people along the Silk Road. Some parts of this series were printed earlier and I admit I did not read any. In fact, I do not read anything written on the Silk Road by the average Pakistani. The simple fact is we have no clue about the geography and history of the classic Silk Road. *The old trade route dubbed the 'Silk Road' by 19th century German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen* One of the accompanying images in the mentioned article has a man and a woman standing in front of a sign saying 'Old Silk Road'. The location of this sign is somewhere between Gilgit and Hunza. That the classic Silk Road ever entered what is now Pakistan by way of Hunza is patent rubbish. But if people repeat the same falsehood a few timespakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Look no bra!!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Look no bra!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Who is Raza Khan, why is he missing, and why do I care?

From the blog beenasarwar[image: FindRaza-Lahore-RahatDar] Lahore, Dec. 11: Protesting the disappearance of activist Raza Mahmood Khan. (Rahat Dar/European Pressphoto Agency/EFE/REX/Shutterstock) On Dec 2, 2017, a peace activist disappeared from Lahore. Raza Khan is one of over 1,400 missing persons in Pakistan whose cases the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances is hearing. Who is Raza Khan, why is he missing and why do I care? Raza Khan's disappearance, like that of Zeenat Shehzadi earlier, is part of a new phase of such illegal abductions in Pakistan, violating due process and rule of law. Targeting young people from ordinary backgrounds, without social capital or networks, signals a growing desperation to control the narrative on the military, religion and India. My piece, In Pakistan, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Liquid Sweetheart Fashion in Faisalabad

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Sexy Girl Movies : Liquid Sweetheart Fashion in Faisalabad, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Can CPEC Make Pakistani Manufacturing More Competitive?

From the blog riazhaqIn addition to a basic sense of security, the cost of production and availability of required skills are essential for making manufacturing competitive. Cost has several components: labor cost and abundant, cheap energy and infrastructure. Skill comes from education and training infrastructure. Will CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) help Pakistan achieve competitiveness on these fronts? Pak-China Industrial Corridor Source: Wall Street Journal *Abundant, Cheap Energy:* Costs rise dramatically if expensive plant and equipment are not fully utilized due to lack of gas and electricity. It is hard for a manufacturer to be competitive if its factories lie idle for many hours a day due to load-shedding as has been the case in Pakistan for many years. *Transport Infrastructurepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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what were you thinking

From the blog gsntahir what were you thinking just before you uttered the word 'qun' and "faya'quned" me? . . 10.11.2017 lahore . wifey's impromptu comment 'shaitan k baad kissi ko tau ana tha!' pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Corrupt suhba

From the blog ashrafiya 'One does not spend time with a corrupt individual, even while inwardly disavowing his corruption, except that one will perceive a decrease in the impact and severity of that sin in his heart. And when one is a frequent witness of the major sins of others, one will deem one's own minor sins to be of little consequence.' *KifayatulAtqiya* 2672 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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یا رب تو اپنے فضل سے آنا قبول کر

From the blog seems77 یا رب تو اپنے فضل سے آنا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر سوغاتِ فَقر دور سے لایا ہوں میں یہں وللہ تجھ کو فَقر ہے پیارا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر الجھا ہے قلب خانہ کعبہ کی زلف میں تو ملتزم سے سینہ ملانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر زمزم ہے رشکِ و کوثر و تسنیم و سلسبیل زمزم سے دل کی آگ بجھانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر ہو رحم تیرا مجھ پہ تو آؤں گا بار بار اب بھی بلایا تو نے کریما قبل کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر اسود حجر کے چہرے پہ بوسہ ہے خوب تر بوسہ نہ ہو سکے تو اشارہ قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں ہے سہارا قبول کر آنسو بہا رہا ہوں تیرے گھر کے سامنے پلکوں پہ آنسوؤں کا سجانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں ہے سہارا قبول کر عرفات کی دعائیں، منیٰ کے نَسک ہیں خوب قربانیوں کا خون بہانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں ہے سہارا قبول کر تیری رضا کے واسطے ماری ہے کنکری شیطاں کےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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یا رب تو اپنے فضل سے آنا قبول کر

From the blog seems77 یا رب تو اپنے فضل سے آنا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر سوغاتِ فَقر دور سے لایا ہوں میں یہں وللہ تجھ کو فَقر ہے پیارا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر الجھا ہے قلب خانہ کعبہ کی زلف میں تو ملتزم سے سینہ ملانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر زمزم ہے رشکِ و کوثر و تسنیم و سلسبیل زمزم سے دل کی آگ بجھانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر ہو رحم تیرا مجھ پہ تو آؤں گا بار بار اب بھی بلایا تو نے کریما قبل کر تیرے سوا نہیں سہارا قبول کر اسود حجر کے چہرے پہ بوسہ ہے خوب تر بوسہ نہ ہو سکے تو اشارہ قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں ہے سہارا قبول کر آنسو بہا رہا ہوں تیرے گھر کے سامنے پلکوں پہ آنسوؤں کا سجانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں ہے سہارا قبول کر عرفات کی دعائیں، منیٰ کے نَسک ہیں خوب قربانیوں کا خون بہانا قبول کر تیرے سوا نہیں ہے سہارا قبول کر تیری رضا کے واسطے ماری ہے کنکری شیطاں کےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Flirting Couple in Blue Area Beaten by Police!!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad XXX : Flirting Couple in Blue Area Beaten by Police!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دُعا کی درخواست

From the blog theajmals محترم بہنو اور بھائیوں السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و بركاته آپ جانتے ہوں گے اگر نہیں تو تاریخ کا مطالعہ بتا سکتا ہے کہ جس سلطنت میں انصاف مِٹ جاتا ہے یا مذاق بن جاتا ہے وہاں ہر قسم کی برائیاں جنم لیتی ہیں ۔ اصلاح نہ کی جائے تو ایسی سلنطنت اُلٹ دی جاتی ہیں ۔ بابل و نَینوا کا کیا ہوا ۔ بہت بڑی سلطنتِ فارس نابود ہو گئی ۔ قومِ لوط ہو یا قومِ نوح اُن کا نام و نشان باقی نہ رہا ۔ عبرت حاصل کرنے کیلئے فرعون اور نمرود کے صرف نام باقی رہ گئے اصحابِ کہف کا ذکر آج بھی ہے لیکن جس قوم سے عاجز آ کر الله کے اُن نیک بندوں نے الله کی پناہ مانگی تھی ۔ اُس قوم کو کوئی نہیں جانتا ہم سب دیکھ رہے ہیں کہ ہمارے ہاں حالات کس طرف جا رہے ہیں ۔ عام آدمی کیلئے انصاف کا حصول تو پہلے ہی مُشکل تھا ۔ اب وہ لوگ جو بڑے اثر و رسوخ والے سمجھے جاتے تھے انصاف کی دُہائی دے رہے ہیں ۔ ہمارے حالات دیکھ کر ہمارے دُشمن دلیر ہpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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خوشی کا حصول

From the blog seems77 خوشی کا حصول خوشی ہر آدمی چاہتا ہے - لیکن مطلوب خوشی کسی کو نہیں ملتی - چنانچہ خوشی عملاً ایک ناقابل حصول چیز بنی ہوئی ہے - برٹش فلسفی برٹرینڈ رسل نے خوشی( happiness ) کے موضوع پر ایک کتاب لکھی ہے - اس میں وہ بتاتا ہے کہ اس دنیا میں خوشی کسی کے لیے قابل حصول نہیں - اس معاملے میں اسلام نے ایک فطری فارمولا اختیار کیا ہے - قرآن میں بتایا گیا ہے اطمنان قلب انسان کو صرف اللہ کی یاد( الرعد :28) سے حاصل ہوتا ہے - یعنی قرآن میں دو چیزوں کو ایک دوسرے سے الگ کر دیا گیا ہے، مادی لذت( physical pleasure ) اور ذہنی اطمنان( intellectual satisfaction ) - اللہ کے نقشہ تخلیق کے مطابق، مادی لذت کامل معنوں میں صرف جنت میں ملے گی - اس دنیا میں جو چیز مل سکتی ہے، وہ ہے ذہنی اطمنان - اور وہ بلاشبہ ہر انسان کے لیے قابل حصول ہے - ذہنی اطمنان یہ ہے کہ آدمی صورتحال کی معقول توجیہہ دریافت کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog ayesha اگر ہمارے سر پر چھت ہے، پیٹ بھرنے کو تین ٹائم کا کھانا ہے، ضرورتِ زندگی کا سب سامان ہے تو یقینا ً ہم لاکھوں لوگوں سے خوش نصیب ہیں۔۔ تھیلیسیمیا ایک بہت مہنگی اور مہلک بیماری ہے۔۔ آزمایشوں کا سفر صرف تھیلیسیمیا میجر ہونے پر ختم نہیں ہوتا۔۔ اگر آپ غریب گھرانے میں پیدا ہوئے ہیں، پڑھے لکھے نہیں ہیں تو زندگی مسلسل ایک جنگ ہے۔۔ تھیلیسیمیا میں بہت سے مسئلے درپیش ہوتے ہیں، کبھی ہڈیوں کا درد، کبھی مہنگے ٹیسٹ، کبھی مہنگی ادوایات۔۔ اگر آپ کسی گاوُں سے ہیں تو علاج کے ساتھ ساتھ شہر میں رہنے، کھانے پینے کا خرچہ۔۔ آزمائش اور مزید آزمائش۔۔ کچھ دن سے ہماری ٹیم ہمارے ایک تھیلیسیمیا فیلو کے ساتھ مصروف ہے، جس کو فریکچر ہوگیا ہے، آسٹیو پراسس ۔ ہڈیوں کا بھر بھرا پن بھی۔۔ وہ فیلو دادو سندھ کا رہائیشی ہے، والدہ اور بھائی ہیں فیملی میں۔۔ بھائی چنگچی چلاتا ہے گھر کے گزر بسر کے لئے۔۔ بہت تکلیف پہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Girl Crush of the month: Hania Amir

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeIn recent times, new faces have popped up in the Pakistani media industry. Naturally, the millennials are now taking the spotlight. While big names like Mahira Khan, Imaan Ali and Shaan are still relevant and will be for a while, I anticipate a lot of the new comers' time in the limelight will be short-lived.… Continue reading Girl Crush of the month: Hania Amirpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Balanced Life

From the blog iabhopal To make money we lose our health, And then to restore health, we lose our money. We live as if we are never going to die, And we die as if we never lived So, try to have a balanced life pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog ayesha اگر ہمارے سر پر چھت ہے، پیٹ بھرنے کو تین ٹائم کا کھانا ہے، ضرورتِ زندگی کا سب سامان ہے تو یقینا ً ہم لاکھوں لوگوں سے خوش نصیب ہیں۔۔ تھیلیسیمیا ایک بہت مہنگی اور مہلک بیماری ہے۔۔ آزمایشوں کا سفر صرف تھیلیسیمیا میجر ہونے پر ختم نہیں ہوتا۔۔ اگر آپ غریب گھرانے میں پیدا ہوئے ہیں، پڑھے لکھے نہیں ہیں تو زندگی مسلسل ایک جنگ ہے۔۔ تھیلیسیمیا میں بہت سے مسئلے درپیش ہوتے ہیں، کبھی ہڈیوں کا درد، کبھی مہنگے ٹیسٹ، کبھی مہنگی ادوایات۔۔ اگر آپ کسی گاوُں سے ہیں تو علاج کے ساتھ ساتھ شہر میں رہنے، کھانے پینے کا خرچہ۔۔ آزمائش اور مزید آزمائش۔۔ کچھ دن سے ہماری ٹیم ہمارے ایک تھیلیسیمیا فیلو کے ساتھ مصروف ہے، جس کو فریکچر ہوگیا ہے، آسٹیو پراسس ۔ ہڈیوں کا بھر بھرا پن بھی۔۔ وہ فیلو دادو سندھ کا رہائیشی ہے، والدہ اور بھائی ہیں فیملی میں۔۔ بھائی چنگچی چلاتا ہے گھر کے گزر بسر کے لئے۔۔ بہت تکلیف پہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Adab, Sunna & Wajib

From the blog ashrafiya Our master Abdullah bin Mubarak (Allah have mercy on him) said, 'Whoever disregards the *adab* (etiquette) is punished by being deprived of following the *Sunna*, whoever disregards the *Sunna* is deprived of performing the obligatory (*wajib*) and whoever disregards the *wajib* is deprived of Gnosis (*ma'arifa*).' *Hidayat al azkiya, 1992* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اج کی بات ۔۔۔۔۔ 20۔دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ ایک کونے میں زبان کٹے، گونگے اور بہرے کی طرح بیٹھ جانا اس شخص سے بہتر ہے جس کو اپنی زبان پر قابو نہ ہو۔ شیخ سعدی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Kissing Scene Outside Marriott!!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad XXX : Kissing Scene Outside Marriott!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog areejusmanAUDIENCE IN PRESENCE AND VIEWERS ONLINE GET A REALITY SHOCK AS UK'S 3D LIPO TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASES LIVE,A PATIENT LOST 3 INCHES,WE STAY COMMITTED TO OUR PROMISE,LET'S MAKE PAKISTAN BEAUTIFUL The Federal capital witnessed an eventful evening where the audience was left nothing short then mesmerized. 3D lifestyle; licensee of the original Non-Surgical 3D Lipo technology finally launched in Pakistan with 10 clinics in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. 3D Lifestyle introduces the ultimate combination of advanced technologies offering a complete & prescriptive approach to non-surgical face and body treatments in Pakistan. Unlike any other treatment in the Medical Aesthetics landscape; 3D lifestyle, with their revolutionary-technology, performed a Non-Surgical fat loss treatment that took tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cheflings Eating Out at "Bites & Vibes, Karachi

From the blog cheflingtales Last weekend Cheflings were found at the Bites & Vibes, food market hosted by Food Panda and as a foodie would say it was a delight for the taste buds. Sunday at the Alliance Francaise eating our hearts out sounds perfect but it was even more delightful to have everything for Rs.200 or under! During the event, we had the pleasure of meeting the faces behind famous eateries like Il Posto, Taha's Chocomania and Golden Dragon. Truth be told, everything was scrumptious. However, the following stalls were our top favorites. 1. Arabis Arabis had Shawarma, the Arabic sweet dish: Kunafa and Mutabbak on offer. Since spending our summers in Jeddah we had been craving for a good Mutabbak and we got just that. It was also for Rs. 200 and good enough for two people easily! 2. Taha's Chpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Heart Died

From the blog khatrihinaUsually words come to me when I am busy doing something else but just happen to have a pen or a pencil in my hand and a notebook in front of me. The same is true for this one that … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 19 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~آج کی بات ~!~ جس روز مجھے یہ یقین ہو گیا کہ در کھولنا مخلوق کی قدرت سکت و استطاعت میں نہیں. . میں نے اس روز سے مخلوق کا در کھٹکھٹانا چھوڑ دیا.. حیا ایشم pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cheflings Eating Out at "Bites & Vibes, Karachi

From the blog cheflingtales Last weekend Cheflings were found at the Bites & Vibes, food market hosted by Food Panda and as a foodie would say it was a delight for the taste buds. Sunday at the Alliance Francaise eating our hearts out sounds perfect but it was even more delightful to have everything for Rs.200 or under! During the event, we had the pleasure of meeting the faces behind famous eateries like Il Posto, Taha's Chocomania and Golden Dragon. Truth be told, everything was scrumptious. However, the following stalls were our top favorites. 1. Arabis Arabis had Shawarma, the Arabic sweet dish: Kunafa and Mutabbak on offer. Since spending our summers in Jeddah we had been craving for a good Mutabbak and we got just that. It was also for Rs. 200 and good enough for two people easily! 2. Taha's Chpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Heart Died

From the blog khatrihinaUsually words come to me when I am busy doing something else but just happen to have a pen or a pencil in my hand and a notebook in front of me. The same is true for this one that … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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محاورے کی کہانی،۔

From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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مسجد اقصٰی اور قبة الصخراء

From the blog theajmals میں آج 2007ء کی تحریر دہرانے پر مجبور ہوا ہوں اِسے جہالت کہا جائے ہَڈدھرمی کہا جائے یا معاندانہ پروپیگینڈا ؟ میں پچھلے 15 یا 16 سال سے دیکھ رہا ہوں کہ ہمارے ملکی اخباروں میں جب بھی قبلۂِ اوّل یعنی مسجدالاقصٰی کی خبر کے ساتھ تصویر چھاپی جاتی ہے تو وہ مسجد الاقصٰی کی نہیں ہوتی بلکہ قبة الصخراء کی ہوتی ہے ۔ قبة الصخراء کیاہمیت اپنی جگہ لیکن مسلمانوں بیت المقدس یا القدس سے اصل لگاؤ مسجدالاقصٰی کی وجہ سے ہے جو کہ قبله اوّل تھا اور تو اور جماعتِ اِسلامی جو دین اِسلام کی علَم بردار ہے اور جس میں پڑھے لکھے لوگوں کی کافی تعداد شامِل ہے نے پچھلے دِنوں بیت المقدس کے سلسہ میں احتجاج کیا تو اِس میں جو جھنڈے اُٹھا رکھے تھے اُن پر قبة الصخراء کی تصویر تھی میں نے 2006ء میں The News اور Dawn جن میں مسجدالاقصٰی کے حوالے سے قبة الصخراء کی تصویر چھپی تھی کے مدیروں کو خطوط لکھے اور ساتھ دونوں مسpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Indian "Hindu Nazis" Join Forces With Western Neo-Nazis to Threaten World Peace

From the blog riazhaqIn an op ed titled "Hitler's Hindus: The Rise and Rise of India's Nazi-Loving Nationalists" published by leading Israeli newspaper Haaretz, author Shrenik Rao raises alarm bells about "large and growing community of Indian Hindu Nazis, who are digitally connected to neo-Nazi counterparts across the world". Rao talks about Nagpur, a town he describes as the "epicenter of Hindu Nationalism", where he found 'Hitler's Den' pool parlor "that shocked me on a round-India trip 10 years ago was no outlier. Admiration for Nazism – often reframed with a genocidal hatred for Muslims – is rampant in the Hindu nationalist camp, which has never been as mainstream as it is now". *History of Hindu Nationalism:* Hindu nationalists in India have a long history of admiration for the Nazi leader, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Story of Little Karim from Baltistan

From the blog pakteahouse By Rafique Ali A jeep ride from Skardu, going east to Hushe village covering a distance of about 105 Miles takes about six hours. At the height of 10,000 feet above sea level, Hushe is the last village where the dusty road ends. Except for people of Gilgit-Baltistan and few thousand Pakistani outdoor lovers, this place is not known to most. For western hardcore trekkers and mountain lovers, Hushe Village is a destination. A starting point from where trekkers and mountaineers begin 5-7 days foot journey towards most pristine but rugged and unforgiving beauties on planet Earth, we call it Concordia Valley. A 3-mile wide and 40-mile long ice desert guarded by K2, Broadpeak, Gasherum-1&2, Trango Tower and plenty of lower peaks from 18,000 feet and above. Beauties during a threepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Kawaii Box: review + giveaway

From the blog noorsplaceI was introduced to the term "kawaii" from a friend who came from the Philippines. Growing up, we were too invested in this term that it affected our lifestyles to an extent where half of the things in our lives reflected it vividly. From wardrobe to stationery, something had to be *kawaii*. According to Wikipedia, *Kawaii is the culture of cuteness in Japan. It can refer to items, humans, and nonhumans that are charming, vulnerable, shy and childlike*. This term, however, has gone way past this sole definition and now stands with a solid identity of an industry. I stepped out of my kawaii phase by the end of 8th grade, but the habit of acquiring kawaii products never did. Kawaii Box sent me one of their fantastic boxes last month that I couldn't unbox, given it was the wedding sepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Kawaii Box: review + giveaway

From the blog noorsplaceI was introduced to the term "kawaii" from a friend who came from the Philippines. Growing up, we were too invested in this term that it affected our lifestyles to an extent where half of the things in our lives reflected it vividly. From wardrobe to stationery, something had to be *kawaii*. According to Wikipedia, *Kawaii is the culture of cuteness in Japan. It can refer to items, humans, and nonhumans that are charming, vulnerable, shy and childlike*. This term, however, has gone way past this sole definition and now stands with a solid identity of an industry. I stepped out of my kawaii phase by the end of 8th grade, but the habit of acquiring kawaii products never did. Kawaii Box sent me one of their fantastic boxes last month that I couldn't unbox, given it was the wedding sepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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چارہ گر تُو تو ہمیں ہوش میں لے آئے گا

From the blog urdu چارہ گر تُو تو ہمیں ہوش میں لے آئے گا ہوش آئے گا تو کیا چین بھی آ جائے گا پاؤں میں ہجر کی آپ اپنے کلھاڑی مت مار میں تو مر جاؤں گا جی تو بھی نہیں پائے گا اے دلِ آبلہ پا عقل کی مت جان کو آ راہبر راستہ دیکھے گا تو دکھلائے گا آپ مقتل سے تو لے آئے ہیں واپس مجھ کو کیا ضمانت ہے کہ غم خون نہ تھکوائے گا میرے مرنے سے کسی اور کا کیوں رزق ہو بند پھر یہ غم خوار کسی اور کا غم کھائے گا تیرے کوچے کے تو احوال... Source pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Top 3 Chefling Favourite Samosa Spots in Islamabad

From the blog cheflingtales Tell me if I am wrong, clouds enveloped sky with a drizzly rain of winters calls for a cup of tea with a perfectly fried, crispy, and tasty bite of a samosa. The capital, Islamabad, is one of the most beautiful capitals around the world eggs on the caffeine-heads to get a cup of tea with the perfect combination of a mouth-watering samosa. Being foodies in the capital city we took on the task to find the best places to get samosas around the city, so here are our favorites. *The famous "Bengali baba"* Allah Ditta who's famous by the name of "Bengali baba" lures customers all over the capital with his delicious bit size samosas that the masses claim to be unmatched. After moving to Pakistan from Bangladesh in 1971, Bengali baba started his business with his nephews in Melody Marpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PECHS Students

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : PECHS Students, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Today I'll share with you a true story

From the blog tanveerrauf Today I'll share with you a true story———- Allah created, beautified and glorified this world with every possible thing like oceans, mountains, meadows, flora and fauna, rain, twilight, sun, stars, moon, moonlight animals, birds-you name and you have it—–for the human beings————for US— All these blessings are clearly mentioned in Surah Rehman and in many other verses of Quran. Allah is brilliance—- splendor—- and love Allah loves peace He sent us on this earth to be good, kind caring and to make the world beautiful and peaceful place to *live and let live-*—– to relish and cherish. Allah gives and forgives. We having the same attributes as Almighty, thus HE expect us also to give and forgive——–but its Satan that misguides us, and the ones with weaker faith follow him.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ignite: Pakistan Federal Government Fund to Promote Tech R&D

From the blog riazhaqGuest Post by Yusuf Husain CEO, Ignite The mandate of Ignite, formerly National ICT R&D Fund, a Government owned non profit company, affiliated with the Ministry of IT, Government of Pakistan, is to fund innovative projects that solve local problems or target global opportunities. Since early 2017 we are focusing on startups based on 4th Industrial Wave technology – like AI, IoT, Robotics and AR – whose technology risk is beyond the appetite of private sector investors, with the expectation that investors and corporates will participate in subsequent rounds or else purchase or license the technology. With about ten deals a quarter, with average size of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, we also fund academia and industry projects with strong, well-articulated commercial potpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Karachi girls in tight shorts

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Karachi girls in tight shorts, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Why you need a female professional photographer for your wedding?

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylife"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce" By Karl Lagerfeld Many people think that some professions are only created for men. But we question, is it? I think, yes, there was a time when we saw no female photographer capturing the wedding but now our… Continue reading Why you need a female professional photographer for your wedding?pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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israelis execute double amputee

From the blog mtrtmk Palestinian double amputee killed by Israeli sniper pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog safdarsikandar Impressions, if you remember are the collections of passages from books and papers that I have read over time. These passages are such that they leave a mark and make up a significant contribution to the impression a book ultimately has, like a quality of a person which you like more than all other qualities. More such impressions can be read here and here. [image: 15676027_354518781590523_4879762495661138323_o] *From Istanbul by Orhan Pamuk* To see the city in black and white is to see it through the tarnish of history: the patina of what is old and faded and no longer matters to the rest of the world. Even the greatest Ottoman architecture has a humble simplicity that suggests an end-of-empire gloom, a pained submission to the diminishing European gaze and to an ancient povepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 16 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ " عزت وقتی طور پر ایک "غیر مستحق" کو بھی مل جاتی ہے ، مگر آخرت میں ساری عزت ان لوگوں کا حصہ ہو گی جو واقعی اس کا "استحقاق" رکھتے ہوں۔" pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cheflings at The Chocolate Festival Islamabad

From the blog cheflingtales This weekend, Cheflings decided to head down to the chocolate festival, which takes place at Pak-China Friendship Center every year in December. Being a chocoholic myself, I decided it's time to sink in some real chocolate snacks and bring you the best of it. So here it goes… Entering the Pak-China friendship center there is a family festival taking place, on the upper floor, there is an automobile show taking place, and opposite to it is where the all the stalls displaying chocolate treats await. *Sweet Treats* The first chocolaty treat we sank our sweet tooth into chocolate drizzled marshmallows by *Sweet Treats.* Not too sweet, so just the way we like it. *Caketopia* Chocolate Caramel mousse by *Caketopia* was amazing, it had a top layer of chocolate mousse and the bottopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 16 دسمبر 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ " عزت وقتی طور پر ایک "غیر مستحق" کو بھی مل جاتی ہے ، مگر آخرت میں ساری عزت ان لوگوں کا حصہ ہو گی جو واقعی اس کا "استحقاق" رکھتے ہوں۔" pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cheflings at The Chocolate Festival Islamabad

From the blog cheflingtales This weekend, Cheflings decided to head down to the chocolate festival, which takes place at Pak-China Friendship Center every year in December. Being a chocoholic myself, I decided it's time to sink in some real chocolate snacks and bring you the best of it. So here it goes… Entering the Pak-China friendship center there is a family festival taking place, on the upper floor, there is an automobile show taking place, and opposite to it is where the all the stalls displaying chocolate treats await. *Sweet Treats* The first chocolaty treat we sank our sweet tooth into chocolate drizzled marshmallows by *Sweet Treats.* Not too sweet, so just the way we like it. *Caketopia* Chocolate Caramel mousse by *Caketopia* was amazing, it had a top layer of chocolate mousse and the bottopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Winter Drive 2017

From the blog ayesha Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, one of a donor has handed us 60+ blankets to donate among #Thalassemia fellows. InshaAllah we will be donating them among #thalassemia fellows of Fatimid Foundation Karachi & Rashidabad. If anyone wants to donate shawls / desferal or funds for food etc please contact us before 22nd December. We will be hopefully distributing blankets in Rashidabad on 25th OR 26th December inshaAllah. ———————————— الحمداللہ الحمداللہ الحمداللہ ہمارے ایک ڈونر نے ساٹھ سے ذائد کمبل ہمیں بھیجے ہیں تھیلیسیمیا فیلوز کو دینے کے لئے۔ انشااللہ ہمارا ارادہ ان کو فاطمید فاوٗئنڈیشن کراچی اور راشدآباد میں موجود تھیلیسیمیا فیلوز کو دینے کا ہے۔ اگر آپ میں سے کوئی شال ، ڈیسفرال یا پیسے دینا چاہے کسی بھی چیز کے لئے پلیز ہم سے ۲۳ دسمبر سے پہلے رابطہ کرلیں، انشااللہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Slave girls scandal of Heera Mandi

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore XXX : Slave girls scandal of Heera Mandi, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pir Meher Ali Shah

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: download (1)] Face of Muhammad is the evidence of Deity Veiled in Muhammad's being is light of Deity Common people can't recognize this realism Only the chosen few can realize the realism *********** [image: pma4] [image: download] His face glows like the full moon His forehead emits luminous beam Black tresses and entrancing eyes Ecstatic intoxicated striking eyes Two eye brows are like two bows Seems like eye lashes shoot arrows Crimson lips as red rubies of Yemen Teeth are like white pearls in a row ************** [image: pma2] How to enlighten his glorious face Is he essence of life of life's face? The truth is; he's akin to glory of God All world glories derive from his God ****************** Come out of thy cell and come to the mosque Everyone crave s pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دل کا داغ جو مٹ نہ سکا

From the blog theajmals ہمارے مُلک کے ایک بڑے حصے کو علیحدہ ہوئے 46 سال بِیت گئے لیکن مجھے وہ خوبصورت نوجوان Assistant Works Manager محبوب نہیں بھولتا ۔ سُرخ و سفید چہرہ ۔ دراز قد ۔ چوڑا سینہ ۔ ذہین ۔ محنتی ۔ کم گو ۔ بہترین اخلاق ۔ اُردو باقی بنگالیوں کی بجائے نئی دہلی کے رہنے والوں کی طرح بولتا تھا ۔ مشرقی پاکستان میں نئی مکمل ہونے والی فیکٹری میں اُسے اوائل 1970ء میں بھیج دیا گیا کہ وہ بنگالی تھا (سِلہٹ کا رہائشی) یکم جولائی 1969ء کو مجھے ترقی دے کر Production Manager Weaponsتعینات کر کے فیکٹری کے 8 میں سے 4 محکموں کی سربراہی کے ساتھ نئے اسِسٹنٹ ورکس منیجر صاحبان کی تربیت بھی ذمہ داریاں دے دی گئیں ۔ 1969ء میں بنگالی کچھ افسران بھرتی ہوئے ۔ یہ سب ہی محنتی اور محبِ وطن تھے ۔ اِن میں محبوب بھی تھا *میری 21 دسمبر 2012ء کو شائع شدہ تحریر* جب مُکتی باہنی کا شور شرابا زوروں پر تھا مُکتی باہنی والوں نے فیکٹpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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India Breakup; Pakistan NGO Expulsions; Alabama Democrat Jones' Upset Win

From the blog riazhaqDoes Lord Meghnad Desai's question "A country of many nations, will India break up" raised in his latest book "The Raisina Model" make any sense? Why would India break up? What are the challenges to India's unity? Is there an identity crisis in India? Is it the power imbalance among Indian states? Is it growing income disparity among peoples and states? Is it religious, ethnic, caste and/or regional fault lines running through the length and breadth of India? Is it beef ban? Growing Income Gap of Indian States. Source: Bloomberg Why is Pakistan expelling dozens of foreign-funded NGOs? Is it the fall-out from Save The Children NGO's alleged collusion with the CIA in fake polio vaccination scheme to find Osama Bin Laden? Is it a general concern about the NGOs role in subverting andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Way to Go

From the blog iabhopal Each of our troubles is a stepping-stone. We can get out of the deepest well just by not stopping and never giving up pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Winter Drive 2017

From the blog ayesha Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, one of a donor has handed us 60+ blankets to donate among #Thalassemia fellows. InshaAllah we will be donating them among #thalassemia fellows of Fatimid Foundation Karachi & Rashidabad. If anyone wants to donate shawls / desferal or funds for food etc please contact us before 22nd December. We will be hopefully distributing blankets in Rashidabad on 25th OR 26th December inshaAllah. ———————————— الحمداللہ الحمداللہ الحمداللہ ہمارے ایک ڈونر نے ساٹھ سے ذائد کمبل ہمیں بھیجے ہیں تھیلیسیمیا فیلوز کو دینے کے لئے۔ انشااللہ ہمارا ارادہ ان کو فاطمید فاوٗئنڈیشن کراچی اور راشدآباد میں موجود تھیلیسیمیا فیلوز کو دینے کا ہے۔ اگر آپ میں سے کوئی شال ، ڈیسفرال یا پیسے دینا چاہے کسی بھی چیز کے لئے پلیز ہم سے ۲۳ دسمبر سے پہلے رابطہ کرلیں، انشااللہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جیسی اب ہے تیری محفل کبھی ایسی تو نہ تھی

From the blog pakteahouse *کنور نعیم* ماں آج میری پسند کا کھانا بنا کر رکھیو، آج جلدی آجاؤں گا۔ ماں نے ہامی بھر کے ماتھا چوم لیا۔ مما میرا نیا ڈریس کب آئیگا؟یہ والا بہت گندا ہو گیا ہے۔ مما نے سر پر ہاتھ پھیر کر دوسرے دن کا وعدہ کر لیا۔ آج اسنے اپنی ہم جماعت محبوبہ سے دل کی بات کہنی تھی، بہت عرصے سے پکنے والے لاوے کو آج اگلنا تھا۔ وہ پوری رات بیٹھی اپنے لیکچرز تیار کر کے صرف چند گھنٹے ہی سو سکی تھی۔بچے اسے بہت پسند کرتے تھے۔ پھر وہ سب پڑھنے کے سفر پر روانہ ہو گئے۔ ڈاکٹر بننے، انجینئر بننے، سائنسدان بننے اور نجانے کیا کچھ بننے کے سفر پر روانہ ہو گئے۔ مگر پھر ایسا ہوا کہ کچھ لوگ اسکول کے دروازے کے بجائے ایک غیر متوقع راستے سے داخل ہو ئے اور مٹی کے گھروندوں جیسے نازک فرشتوں پر گولیاں چلا دیں۔ وہ ننھے نونہال، جو ایک دوسرے کو پانی کی پستول سے گیلا کرتے تھے، حیران و پریشان رہ گئے کہ الٰہی!یہ کیسی پانی والی پستpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اور کتنی دیر

From the blog seems77 جاہ و جلال, دام و درم اور کتنی دیر ریگِ رواں پہ نقش قدم اور کتنی دیر اب اور کتنی دیر یہ دہشت، یہ ڈر، یہ خوف گرد و غبار عہدِ ستم اور کتنی دیر حلقہ بگوشوں، عرض گزاروں کے درمیان یہ تمکنت، یہ زعمِ کرم اور کتنی دیر پل بھر میں ہو رہے گا حسابِ نبود و بود پیچ و خم و وجود و عدم اور کتنی دیر شام آ رہی ہے، ڈوبتا سورج بتائے گا تم اور کتنی دیر ہو، ہم اور کتنی دیر (افتخار عارف) pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دلیلِ آفتاب

From the blog urdu خدا نے ہر عروج کو زوال رکھا ہے مگر ہر زوال کے نصیب میں عروج نہیں لکھا۔ کتنے چڑھے مگر اتر گئے۔ کتنے گرے، کچھ اٹھے، بہت رزقِ خاک ہو گئے۔ مجھے کم از کم اپنے محدود مطالعے کی بنیاد پر ایک بھی قوم ایسی نظر نہیں آئی جس نے اپنے عروج کو ماضی سے کشید کیا ہو۔ وہ لوگ بھی میں نے دیکھے ہیں جو حال کا گہرا شعور رکھتے ہیں۔ مگر ان لوگوں کو تو پوری دنیا نے دیکھا ہے جنھوں نے ماضی اور حال دونوں سے بےنیاز ہو کر مستقبل... Source pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy – Scientific American

From the blog faisalkhan Is it possible to build digital identities on the blockchain that are completely removed from giant corporations and governments who would want to monetize on our identities since that is most profitable for them? Would anyone be able to take up this challenge? The ultimate social impact of blockchain technology depends on who controls our digital identities Source: *The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy – Scientific American* The post The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy – Scientific American appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Margalla Beauties

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Margalla Beauties, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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So, Hawaii Happened And It Was Fabulous! (Old post)

From the blog sesapzaiPre-Post: I just realized I'd saved this post as a draft, and forgot to share it. This was a year ago. Geez. Like, HOW could I have not shared this? […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Catch Cheflings at Foodpanda's Bites and Vibes, Karachi

From the blog cheflingtales What does a foodie love more than a variety of food under one roof? How about coolest foodie fellows, live music and lots of food, this is just the theme of food fests happening across Pakistan and we can't get enough of them. After the success of the first ever food market by Foodpanda in Lahore "Bites And Vibes" Comes to Karachi. As we jump with joy and mark 17th December on our calendars so catch us there with a huge variety of eateries and live band performances. Be a part of the coolest crowd at Alliance Franchise De Karachi. Here are a few eateries we plan to stop by for a bite, in case you are planning to run into us: *D'oh* We would love some yummy churros and D' oh is the place to go, it is said to be one of the top dessert places in Karachi which is why we plan topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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