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As love's marvel unveiled,

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: Metro-SMH] As love's marvel unveiled, passion and love perished You lived nor did I exist, only unawareness subsisted King of ecstasy in trance, gave me an attire of nudity Wasn't fretful of sewing or cloaking of love's dignity The invisible breeze burnt all the evident' fascinations Yet a twig of gloom known heart, remained fascination Whom to complain the oblivious glance of beloved Yen for hundred liquor cups endured in heart beloved Was a weird instant when I learnt lessons of love? Book of intellects remained in niche, ruled love! Influence of thy wondrous love was so influential Mirror got misty and beloved no more influential The fire of love turned Siraj the ignorant; into ashes No fear, no regrets, no danger, just ruins of flashes ………………. ḳhabar-e-tahayypakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9072256852237866328 Pakistani Blog Posts


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