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Asexuality is NOT a Disease

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Laiba Zainab* [image: asexuality] In our everyday life we always hear that "sex and sexual appeals are natural". We are always told that opposites attract each other and by "attraction" it is always considered "sexually". Well I am glad to let you all know that this is not how it works for every human being in this world. We get to know very little about "asexuality" and "asexuals". To be very honest people don't even accept that there is anything like "asexuality". Due to stereotypes in our society very few people are able to even public that they are "Asexual" because if anyone does that they are always told this is not natural and they only have fear of sex nothing more than that. You get one million suggestions to visit a psychologist for treatment. Well Asexuality ispakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3574588435709983594 Pakistani Blog Posts


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