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From the Blog theseptemberangel [image: onlinefriends1.gif]Back in 2004, I only used the internet to read some horrifying paranormal experiences, mythical/fantasy stories and to yahoo chat with my best friend Ismat. One day she introduced me to Facebook and I was hooked just after one visit. Like every desi teenage girl, I used a pseudo-name and put a headless photo on display but still I'd get dozens of friend requests from strangers. I was told by Ismat not to add any stranger or make any internet friendships so I won't. One day, I opened my Facebook and saw a friend request from someone named Peri Dove. Whoever this "Peri Dove" was asked me if she can add me to her secret group of friends. Excited to talk to another headless seemingly interesting FB user, I responded with a big yes. [image: 80e9e55dcc0b5a1pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4228745199194323538 Pakistani Blog Posts


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