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From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Mr. Noaman Zakir, Lahore School Alumni and CEO of Rici Melion visited Lahore School of Economics, Burki Campus, on November 25, 2016 to share his thoughts on Entrepreneurship. Kinza Babar, the Vice President of the Entrepreneur and Business Society (EBS) opened the session by welcoming the participants, introducing the trainers. Hassan Shah Khagga, the president of the society, shared his experience of being a part of EBS and how it has brought so much positivity in him as a person and his goals in life. Noaman Zakir went on to the first session defining the concept of success, which is to get started and take a step ahead, "you must start and if you don't start, trust me, you would not succeed", as he stated. Noaman Zakir shared his inspirational success story where he is jupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5032912947035566461 Pakistani Blog Posts


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