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City Faith – Christ Mission Church

From the Blog thekarachiwallaOne of the oldest churches in the city. It smells of nostalgia. The stories of bygone days echo inside. Just like rest of the churches in Karachi, there is a school adjacent to the church. The school was founded in 1846 and the church was added to the compound in 1856. The patron of the […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

ہوشیار رہنما

From the Blog theajmals دہائیوں پہلے منصوبہ بندی کرتا ہے سالوں پہلے سوچتا ہے مہینوں کام کرتا ہے دنوں چُست رہتا ہے اور لمحوں میں جشن مناتا ہے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 523531217427336268 Pakistani Blog Posts


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