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The Wise Lady

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 472683888] Long time back a pious person was passing through a village. One old lady was busy working on her spinning wheel outside her hut. Seeing her engrossed in her work came to her and sat beside her. She didn't even feel his presence and kept doing her work. The man was impressed of her devotion so asked her; "mother have you been spinning your wheel only all your life or tried to search for the Creator too?" She replied' "I learnt everything from this spinning wheel only." "That's great! Tell me does God exist?" She confidently said; "God is everywhere every moment, day or night, in all reasons and all seasons, He is present" The scholar again asked her; "prove it. How can you be so sure?" She said; "Look man, I operate this spinning wheel so it works. If and when pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1944306603851603599 Pakistani Blog Posts


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