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book review: milk and honey by rupi kaur

From the Blog noorsplace Poetry is a whole another language for me. A language that helps me understand things when no other language makes sense, a language that's the most beautiful part of any language, a language that I can speak when I can't bring myself to speak any other language. When I am not writing it, I am reading it. And today, I want to share one gem of a book that internet showed me and it didn't take long for me to fall in love with it. it's Rupi Kaur's poetry collection *Milk And Honey* I first saw it on tumblr. Black cover, illustrations, lower letter writing; it was perfect. I read some of the excerpts from the book randomly and they were beautiful. In fact, they weren't only beautiful. They felt raw and open yet calming. They sounded as if they were poured from a pen that was weak bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5216787488276960992 Pakistani Blog Posts


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