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Singing Dream Comes Alive with Huawei Live!

From the Blog telecompk Huawei Pakistan has once again prepared to come up with an exciting and entertaining campaign, known as *Huawei Live*; a star-studded platform where youngsters come in the limelight by showing their hidden talent. Smartly integrating an activation with a competition, Huawei is setting up an activation which is both attractive and interactive. A creatively designed Float is all set to welcome participants and onlookers. On its journey, the float will make stops at all well-known educational institutes and famous markets to provide an easy access for those who want to be a part of this activity. In addition to the Float, Huawei has devised an app, called as Huawei Live, which will be used to record songs of the participants as well as for providing coverage of the campaign to pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 941505398603622164 Pakistani Blog Posts


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