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Deadline Chaser

From the Blog noorsplaceI have a problem. And it has become so permanent that it doesn't feel like a problem anymore. I am a deadline chaser, due date dedicator. I get my work done on time, umm maybe a few minutes before the deadline, which isn't a flattering habit. I am almost sick of it, but things do not work out otherwise. I was an aspiring A Type once. Folders neatly done with tags and books lined up, like trained soldiers, to be read. Everything looked perfect, from the look of it, of course. It never worked for me. My brain has a permanent chaos running through it and it only stops to work when the due date waves a hello; then I have to wave back. I have come to accept the fact that if it's the only way I can work, without pretending to be an A-Type person with multiple notes sticking on my plannpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7856529218357901915 Pakistani Blog Posts


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