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Book Review: Inferno

From the Blog noorsplaceI have been pretty low on reading for past few weeks. Mainly because I was stuck in a book that was too lengthy to handle. Not that I mind long books, but a dragged story is worse, which was my case by the way. Ta-da, let me present you Inferno by Dan Brown, Before you read further, let me warn you: CONTAINS SPOILERS XOXO NOT GOSSIP GIRL I have read a lot from Brown and each book was intriguing with a satisfying end. The only thing I cannot endure in a book is a bad/vague/incomplete end. YAS I read that shiz for days just to end up on an incomplete loop? That's not fair. When Elif Shafak's The Bastard of Istanbul ended with a vague end, I couldn't believe 'cause Shafak's words had always given me immense pleasure and great ends # yikeS *Inferno's end was hard to understand. * The pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6138441144906882890 Pakistani Blog Posts


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