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Delusion Of Honor

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Shumaila Ahmad* [image: samia-shahid] On September 3rd, the father, uncle, and ex-husband of twenty-eight year old Samia Shahid appeared in court facing charges for her murder. Shahid's husband, Mukhtar Kazim believes that his wife's family and ex-husband participated in her "honor killing" because they did not approve of her divorce to her first husband and her subsequent marriage. Several news outlets have reported that Samia, who is a British citizen of Pakistani descent, visited Pakistan because she was informed that her father was ill. She was murdered during her trip. This heartbreaking news conjures the memory of Pakistani social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch's execution at the hands of her brother just two months ago. The compliant attitude that accepts honor kilpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7866281684099537083 Pakistani Blog Posts


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