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Foodie Fashion – August Picks

From the Blog cheflingtales Hey foodies, starting this month we are launching a new column where we will post our top foodie fashion picks every month. Our picks will include stuff to make both you and your dining table more fashionable, as well as identify you as a bona fide foodie! So here's the best of August: *This top from BeechTree* Heading out for tea? What better way to flaunt than a tea-themed kurta? You can make this little gem yours for Rs. 2,450. We love BeechTree, and their summer collections always include some really great colors and beautiful patterns. Not just that, the good quality of these kurtas mean that they will last you forever! [image: Addicted to Tea!!]Addicted to Tea! * This clutch from Hobo* It seems like we've seen the last of the rainy season and it appears that pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1769074770684173219 Pakistani Blog Posts


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