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5 Peaceful Dine Out Spots for Moms to Recharge

From the Blog cheflingtales As a mom, I can relate to some common internet memes telling us how a mother spends her time while driving by herself, taking a bathroom break, and picking up the groceries. It's funny how I can't think of any other 'alone time' we manage to get. Sigh, such is life. Motherhood is bliss. And in most instances I'd say that's true. But as much as you enjoy cuddling your children and seeing them grow day by day, it's just as annoying when there's constant tattling, screaming, running in every direction, whining, hair pulling, and basically throwing tantrums all the time. By noon, you begin to look like a 'mombie' [(n.) Mom-be: A sleep deprived super mom who feeds on caffeine and survives on sticky kisses and messy smiles. Mombies are master multi-taskers]. *Silently nods in agreempakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1436687872816211046 Pakistani Blog Posts


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