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How Bad is it to Fail?

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesIt's pretty ironic how I wrote an entire post on how to study anatomy just a few days ago. I'd written the post after my exam on the gastro-intestinal system, partly because I had finally figured out how I should be studying these things and partly because my exam hadn't gone very well and I decided to write everything I should have done down was a good way to ensure I didn't screw up an exam again. Unfortunately, I wasn't prepared for how badly I had screwed up. You heard that right. Kanra Khan, second year med student, failed an important exam for the very first time in med school. Was I shocked? A little bet, yes. I'd realized my exam didn't go so well, so I had been expecting a borderline pass, like maybe 50.01% or just 50%. Results get emailed though so when I finally went pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 22408861517083867 Pakistani Blog Posts


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