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The Game of Dowry

From the Blog noorsplaceI grew up following traditions. The traditions that were laid by South Asian culture, religion, and the society I am a part of. I always knew when they were right and also when they were wrong. Yes, no society or culture in the world is flawless. I realized, when I wondered upon my traditions, that some of them were horribly wrong. One of the very disturbing culture terms is dowry. If you're unaware of this, it's basically a term used for the items that a woman brings with her to her marital house when she's married. A lot of people confuse it with *Meher *(an Islamic term that declares the amount of money groom pays or promise to pay to the bride in future; it's usually a minimal amount often set by religious terms). But Dowry is something else. Dowry could be a beautiful conceppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1027192990257851263 Pakistani Blog Posts


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