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Terrorist LUBP's hateful and murderous campaign against me bears fruit

From the Blog pakteahouse By Yasser Latif Hamdani A few years ago I wrote a piece on Majlis-e-Ahrar in which I quoted Munir Report as saying that the Majlis-e-Ahrar's president Mazhar Ali Azhar was a Shia. This prompted the hate blog LUBP to not only post a rebuttal (which was their right) but to accuse me of "running a hate campaign against Shias". This is ironic to say the least because not only have I never written anything hateful against Shias but have always spoken up against Shia genocide and always pointed out that Pakistan's founder was a Shia. Well today, I received a phone call from an undisclosed number. The person identified himself as a "Shia" (though I doubt it to be the case) and made specific reference to the article on the web that says I am "an Ahmadi rights activist running a hate cpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

American Lies on Civilian Deaths

From the Blog mtrtmk US air and drone strikes 'killed up to 116 civilians' Shameless liars. President Barack Obama signed the executive order to require the government to disclose the number of civilian deaths each year in an effort to improve transparency in US military operations. What is even the point of the charade? Just propaganda and a false official version. Also, the way that USA defines "militants" is a farce in its own. When just based on age and 'profile', anonymous deaths are classed as being militants instead of civilians. Just killed a 16 year old shepherd or an 18 year old walking reaping his crops. No worries. Since the 'guidelines' and 'rules' invented by the war criminals say the default assumption about these people is that they are terrorists, so all is well. Just jot them dopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5810883092385141514 Pakistani Blog Posts


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