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Eid Dresses

From the blog ummeyusufHere is the promised post about the Eid dresses I made for the girls. It took a few days to get cool and dry enough weather to get a photo shoot. The fabric for all three dresses was the same, though I used only two color schemes. (Could not find a nice enough color for the youngest, so used the same color scheme for her as the oldest). Fabrics are diamante chiffon for the tops and *dupattas* and *jamavar* for the bottoms. And *gota trim* on the shirts (*kameez*). For the younger two, I sewed *Kameez *with *shalwar*/straight pants. Now for the interesting part, and the star of my sewing _ the gharara. My nine year-old has recently developed in traditional flouncy pieces, so I offered to sew her a *gharara*. Gharara is a traditional dress of the Muslim women of the indian subcontipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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