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French Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towers

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies [image: Liver Pate with Raspberry Coulis and Melba Toast // Nicoise Salad] Liver Pate with Raspberry Coulis // Nicoise SaladBastille Day or the French National day is celebrated on 14th of July and in its honour this time around Asia Live Restaurant at Avari Towers has dedicated two whole weeks of serving authentic French food. Apart from seeing glimpses of French cuisine in Masterchef Austrailia over the years, this was my first time ever to actually experience it in reality along with the Karachi bloggers bunch on 19th of July. So, we had an adventerous evening in terms of food, as we chatted with our hosts which included the French Manager at the restaurant who has enthusiastically brought South French flavours to Karachi. [image: French Food Festival at Asia Live, Avari Towpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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