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"His Excellency" Meraj Muhammad Khan

From the blog pakteahouse *INTERVIEW By: NAIMAT KHAN* [image: miraj] - As a rebellious kid Khan "attacked" British soldier in Mumbai - turned down Zia's offer to form party of Karachi's Mohajirs - Former Afghan President Dr Najib called him his Excellency - Says "Bhutto was responsible for disintegration of Pakistan." - Shaikh Mujeeb facilitated Bhutto to hold public gathering in his constituency - Thinks "Congress and Muslim could have better way-out" - Saw Nehru kicking soldiers for not protecting Jamia Islamia students - Used to swim in Jamna every day in morning - "Bhutto was forced for federation, he believed in concentration of power" - "Sitting generals used to attend Bhutto's cabinet" Being an Afridi of Zakha Khel clan, the news reports of fightipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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