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Who Are Terrorists?

From the blog iabhopal Where Are Champions of Human Rights? They are here only to see and say what they like to and NOT the truth. They always dub Muslims / Muslim countries of terrorism. Let Israel go on killing unarmed hapless Palestinian Muslims including men, women and children, even infants only because they protest or are expected to protest against occupation of their property and atrocities perpetrated on them. Same is the case in Kashmir where occupying Indian Armed Forces have killed during the past two decades over hundred thousand Kashmir Muslims including men, women and children, even infants. Be it be USA, UK or Europe, they will never utter a word against the atrocities being committed by Indian Armed Forces on Muslims in Kashmir or Israel Armed Forces on Muslims in Palestine. Another pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Save Nepal's Edhi, Dr Govinda KC, on hunger strike for pro-poor medical reforms

From the blog beenasarwar[image: 10312598_680559888652418_5037150779787727315_n] Dr Govinda KC: fighting for pro-poor medical reforms "If South Asia has a viable public health icon after the passing of Edhi in Pakistan, this man is it," says a Nepali friend. This is a man who is considered a saint in Nepal – a middle-class doctor who on his own expense offers medical help wherever there is a disaster: Haiti, the Kashmir earthquake in Pakistan, Bangladesh floods. This man is Dr. Govinda KC, an incredible human being who is entering the third week of his hunger strike, a fast unto the death for reforms in the medical education sector. His demands: lower the cost of medical education and create a public health system that allows access of all to quality care, in the place of Nepal's present highly privapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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