Summer Playlist 2016
From the Blog noorsplaceBorn in the glorious August of 1997, I held a responsibility towards summer. No matter how many seasons would come and go, my heart would long for it. Even when it wouldn't want to. I was raised in the scorching heats of Karachi and strolled on its beaches for half of my life, loving it and hating it. All of it still couldn't take summer out of me. When you're born in a season, you somehow become a part of it. Although summer isn't always too friendly. Summer is basically a lively season. It's not miserable like winter or overpainted like spring or sad like autumn. It's the time when everyone would be out, casual and kinda free spirited, summer's the season of people. I would have liked winter more. But destiny chooses what it chooses. It chose me the time of crazy tinted sunnies, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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