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How To Add Social Media Buttons Like Mine

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesI've been spending this summer of mine trying to fix up my blog. I had a new header made, new font chosen, links and labels updated, about page fixed, Hall Of Fame added. And guess what? I even added social media links on the side! Initially, I had been going for the small, cute circular icons that are found on most bloggers profiles that had respective social media icons stamped on them. I had gotten in touch with a blogger and asked for her help in trying to get something similar on my blog. How hard could it have been? I had designed a bunch of buttons with a moon for a background and they looked pretty sweet. But of course, something like this was too good to be true. I am absolutely clueless about coding and so when the time came to get things done, there were gigantic socpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3833575766289561611 Pakistani Blog Posts


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