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Pokémon Go: The Latest Antidepressant

From the Blog brainknittings*– Yumna Sadiq Hayat * Unless you live under a rock, there is a good chance that you have heard about the newest game which people cannot seem to get enough of: Pokémon Go. And if you *do* live under a rock, here is a little summary of what this game is all about. Pokémon Go is a mobile game that has people chasing Pokémon characters in the real world by using their smartphone's camera and the GPS system. Each player, in order to earn points in the game, must catch Pokémon characters by tracing them down on their mobile screen. The game has just been released and already it has won not just hearts, but minds of people, too! In this particular article, people are actually claiming that this game is helping them with their psychological issues like they never thought possible. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

In the Review Mirror

From the Blog r2square [image: barrentree.jpg] There stood a tree, balding Shaken, dry but bold- A bitter empty existence, In the clearing by my road. What worth is it? I asked This unevolved continual- Why live with these rocks and that Sun With them foreign and those cruel? But silent, he stood tall. Old, barren but alive. And lived in his pride and his ego, Long, long after I died.. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Ordering Food Online Is Now Cheaper Than Dining Out

From the Blog telecompk Pakistan's leading mobile and online food ordering platform has launched a one month campaign which caters to customers from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Rawalpindi with flat 20% off and no delivery fees on 500+ restaurants. By launching this campaign, foodpanda has not only set a benchmark for food ordering industry in delivering top consumer experiences but has also contributed with growth for the industry. The idea was simply cooked up by the research team which worked around determining factors of growth. Hence, the food ordering platform was able to pick up on the triggers: understand consumer demands and deliver expectations accordingly. "We constantly asked ourselves a question: how can we bring about a massive growth in the industry? Our objective solvepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5362023862227506896 Pakistani Blog Posts


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