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From the Blog faizansworld As I breathe, walk and live in this world, Pakistan's backward region of lower Sindh, I remain an existence full of conflicting desires and their less apparent manifestation. Being a Muslim and Pakistani, I feel compelled to bring a positive change in my society and from thereon change the world narrative about my people. But that's just something which is buried deep inside my heart, above which are thickest layers of incompetence and selfish –but rather necessary – compulsions. I remember when I was a small child I used to travel with my parents from our hometown Golarchi district Badin to nearby city of Hyderabad, Sindh. On every journey, I would curiously look from the car's window at people I'd find most backward and under extreme poverty: I'd see children playing in the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3988257311291400453 Pakistani Blog Posts


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