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My Planner for May!

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesSo I had put up a poll on twitter, asking about a blog post idea I had and I had gotten quite some interest about it. I'd been planning on writing this post yesterday, but things happened. Basically, I got a little heat injury. It's like a milder form of heat stroke and I spent my day in bed, feeling awful. I even took the day off today. I'm better now Alhamdulillah and I hope to be back at school fresh and ready tomorrow :) For now, let's get back to the post! yeh alag baat k sirf che logon ne vote kiya Now my planner is nothing special. It's a cheap notebook I got for like 80c at Walmart during their school sale. The main reason I picked it up was because of it's size and the cover; light blue with lots and lots of owls. And I just found it really cute so I had to grab it for pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Things That Annoy Me // Vlog

From the Blog noorsplaceHappy humpday y'all!!! Time for the weekly vlog *insert all the cheery hurrahs here* I usually upload vlogs on weekends but this week hasn't really been the smoothest one for me and the uploading dragged to mid-week. Ugh @ life. But here we go; a vlog about things that annoy me. Except of these 6 things, other 3893645983256 also annoy me but alas! I only had like 5 minutes to wrap up this video. Fake laughs. *What are some things that annoy you?* Subscribe to my channel and give this video a thumbs up. PS: the comments for vlog posts are turned off. Head over to the video to share your response with me budd! [image: post signature] Follow pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5514338004606564758 Pakistani Blog Posts


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