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Is Chicken Really More Affordable Than Daal in Pakistan?

From the Blog riazhaqPakistan's finance minister Ishaq Dar has suggested to his countrymen to eat chicken instead of daal (pulses or legumes). Does the minister sound like Queen Marie-Antoinette (wife of France's King Louis XVI) who reportedly said to hungry rioters during the French Revolution: "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"—"Let them eat cake"? Let's look into it. It is indeed true that some varieties of daal are priced higher than chicken. For example, maash is selling at Rs. 260 per kilo, higher than chicken meat at Rs. 200 per kilo. But other daals such as mung, masur and chana are cheaper than chicken. The reason for higher daal prices and relatively lower chicken prices can be found in the fact that Pakistan's livestock industry, particularly poultry farming, has seen significant growth thatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2238467859530306316 Pakistani Blog Posts


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