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Maulana Sheerani Wants Women to be Beaten

From the Blog pkhope What is the education and qualification of Maulana Sheerani? I have seen him alighting from a SUV in front of parliament when an armed guard opened the door for him and he alighted like a king and went into the parliament. Has he ever read about or heard about simplicity concept of Islam? Why the Islam of people like Sheerani starts and ends with women? Why they are obsessed with this second type of human beings which makes up half of this planet? In this day and age, Sheerani is publicly recommending beating of wives by husbands in order to discipline them. Wow, somebody please enlighten me. Pakistani law bars violence against women, and here this head of council of Islamic Ideology is recommending just that. He has even prepared a full blown bill consisting of 163 clauses anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Destination Naran: A Journey to the North

From the Blog cheflingtales The mercury is soaring. Work seems boring. On the odd rainy day, the cold breeze momentarily teleports you back to the rolling hills and strong winds of Kalam in the Swat Valley. The frigid drafts of air from the AC remind you of the fresh mountain air at Malam Jabba and Shogran. You find yourself zoned out, picturing the winding roads leading from Muzaffarabad towards the beauty of Azad Kashmir. If you find yourself in such a state of mind, you may be suffering from an acute case of wanderlust. And in such a case there is only one thing to do; call up some friends and proclaim with glee: "Pack your bags guys, we're going on a trip!" Four young bankers, myself included, found ourselves in such a state. We'd spent time living together on training at the National Institute of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 343131589908185102 Pakistani Blog Posts


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