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From the Blog r2square [image: anger girl what the hell] I wish I could walk up to a few people, look them straight in the eye and slowly say these words: *I could care less about your existence.* *Your existence means nothing to me* But why on earth would I do such a mean thing? Because they move around, building up a persona for the sake of me and everyone around them. Liking, disliking, talking and walking for the benefit and approval of those present in the vicinity. I would hate to see what true isolation would do to them…I imagine it would punch holes into their thickly garnished exterior and the vacuum inside would annihilate them as the reality of the situation would suck everything they borrowed. But still, that would be the truest they'd ever feel and the honest they'd ever act. Why do pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5256066822908776424 Pakistani Blog Posts


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