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Domestic violence is an exaggeration

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Andaleeb Rizvi* [image: women] When I mentioned the recent article on 'These women stayed in abusive marriages because Pakistan failed them' and quoted HRCP for saying 90% women face some form of domestic violence, I was told it doesn't happen this much because: 1. *nobody in this room beats their wife: *This makes sense to all those who feel they are being held responsible for something they did not do. Violence against women should not be mentioned to keep the fragile egos of such people intact. 2. *they've never seen it happen: *Of course if you have never seen a woman getting a public beating, it means it cannot even happen in the privacy of her room. It simply means crazy feminists are making up things because they are PMSing. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Documenting Pakistan: Preserving A Past

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Dressed in a bottle green T-shirt and jeans, the young Pakistani author and researcher, Haroon Khalid, comes across as an unpretentious, easygoing guy when I meet him at a local cafĂ© in Lahore. Currently working on his third book, based on the life of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, Khalid states that Walking With Nanak is both a combination of fiction and non-fiction. Part travelogue, too. "I've read his books and have tried to humanize Guru Nanak," Khalid says, "I hate *every*biography written on him…they aren't biographies, just stories of his miracles. Through this book I wanted to know who he *really* was." [image: Haroon Khalid. Photo by: Sonya Rehman.]Haroon Khalid. Photo by: Sonya Rehman. Initially, the first Editor that Khalid's agent had pitchepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7304704476978785587 Pakistani Blog Posts


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