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Sykes Picot Centenary: Did the West Sow the Seeds of ISIS?

From the Blog riazhaqThe Middle East continues to threaten global peace a century after British and French representatives, Sir Mark Sykes and Francois Georges Picot, signed the Sykes-Picot agreement named after them. This accord, concluded on May 19, 1916, divided the region extending from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean between the two colonial powers. Following the fall of the Ottoman Empire after the first World War, the British and the French colonial masters created a variety of states whose borders were drawn with little regard for ethnic, tribal, religious or linguistic considerations. Today, Daish (ISIS) militants are erasing the border between Iraq and Syria and pushing to get rid of all the region's frontiers created by Sykes-Picot. It is ironic that the Kurdish foes of ISIS sharepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: b90a8b764f1ede0ebe6f07b8b8460122] *After the lengthy drifting of the heavens* *My soul stretches to relax the weary body * *A dream breaks with a moan as I open eyes * *I get up like a sobbing child, wiping my eyes The wrinkles on the bed sheet enlighten How swiftly lived long years of my life In such short span of time Gulped venom in passion of reunion Wrapping the bedding of my uneasiness Seeing my swollen eyes in the mirror I dusting off my thoughts I move forward* روح سیر ِ سماوات کے بعد تھکن اتارنے کے کئے جسم میں انگڑائی لیتی ہے آنکھوں میں اک خواب چھناکے سے ٹوٹتا ہے میں آنکھیں ملتا ہوا ایسے اٹھتا ہوں جیسے کوئی روتا ہوا بچہ بستر کے چہرے پر پڑی متجسس جھریاں بتاتی ہیں کتنی لمبی زندگی کس حالُ میں کتنی جلدی جی چکا ہوں وصل کے جام میں حجر کا کتنا زہر پی چکا ہوں اوہاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3247411460039661014 Pakistani Blog Posts


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