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Toddler Dress

From the Blog ummeyusuf The finished sweater (in this case, I use the term loosely to include all types of clothing) for the month of May, is the dress for my youngest daughter that I started last October. It was a good thing that I cast on for a size bigger than her size at the time, seeing how long it took me to finish it. It is another DROPS pattern, one which I have knit once before, back in 2010, for my niece. I knit the 3/4 year size, and the skirt portion had knitting in it equivalent to an adult sweater. It got boring and went into time-out, at the end of last year. But I got it out a couple of weeks ago and knit the remaining few inches on the skirt. From then on, it went relatively fast, and I am happy to have it finished. Now that I have no project on the needles, I have been dealing withpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Water in the Wilderness

From the Blog odysseuslahori 'Owing to our extreme dependence on the Indus water, we must understand and protect all its antecedent sources and tributaries.' So writes, and writes very truly, one of the three authors of *Water in the Wilderness*. But one could go a step farther and iterate that Pakistan being a water-scarce region and fast heading for scarcity that will begin to hurt us deeply, every individual needs to be aware of the crisis that looms in the near future. Written by Mehjabeen Abidi-Habib, Richard Garstang and Rina Saeed Khan – all of whom have substantial experience in working and reporting upon environmental matters – the book essentially deals with water issues. However, it is more than that. *Water in the Wilderness* is a tour de force across the cultures of Makran, through the westerpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Innovation in the Textiles Sector of Pakistan

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Dr. Waqar Ahmed Wadho of Lahore School of Economics was a guest speaker in a seminar on Innovation and Technological Progress organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan on 27 April 2016 in Islamabad. The seminar was attended by officials of the ministry including Federal Secretary Mr. Fazal Abbas Maken, and chairs and directors of various wings/divisions of the ministry. Dr. Wadho discussed the findings of their new research (jointly with Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Professor at Lahore School) on innovation in the Textiles sector of Pakistan as well as on how their study could be used for the future research and policy making by the ministry of Science and Technology of Pakistan. The findings of this research provide a detailed status of innovation activities and thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Progmic Turns 7 & Expanding it Coverage with New Endeavors

From the Blog progmicExact 7 years back, we have started this small blog which was aimed to share the news from the world of technology but after sometime, we have changed our focus from 'All-in-Technology' to one of the biggest PC manufacturing companies 'Hewlett Packard which later became our identity'. Things has been changed so fast and we [&hellippakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5818077409135893531 Pakistani Blog Posts


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