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Why Muslims are Partly Themselves Responsible for the Negative Global Image

From the Blog pakteahouse [image: Islam-Lashes-1024x535]*Raza Habib Raja* Right now the global spotlight is on extremist Muslims due to a string of incidences from Paris to Belgium. Due to these barbaric acts perpetuated by these extremists, Muslims in general are also facing a lot of backlash, some of which is excessive. However, whereas we as Muslims are correct to complain that it is unfair to bracket ordinary Muslims with the extremists, but at the same time we need to understand that our negative reputation is not merely due to fringe organizations like ISIS but also due to our behavior in general. I am not trying to equate extremist organizations like ISIS with normal and moderate Muslims here but pointing that there are issues (though of different sort) with the latter also. We have to realizepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4961132148066823227 Pakistani Blog Posts


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