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Lahore School of Economics Convocation 2016

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Lahore School of Economics' Twelfth Annual Convocation was held on 7 May 2016. Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, Rector Lahore School of Economics conferred degrees and awards to graduating students (MPhil (4), M.Sc. (15), MBA (235), MBA for Professionals (98), BBA (Hons.) (411), B.Sc.(149) (Hons.) and BS (Hons.) (23). In his address, Dr. Shahid Amjad Chaudhry highlighted the role of Lahore School of Economics since its inception. He noted that it was a moment of pride for the entire school that the Lahore School graduates were amongst the finest in Pakistan, especially because more than 200 of the country's leading firms and many of the world's leading universities competed for Lahore School graduates. He also observed that the Lahore School record of academic achievements was spakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6422821514696632678 Pakistani Blog Posts


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