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Let's Art! My Experience with Truck Art

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writes One of the most prominent things you'll see on the roads in Pakistan are the decorated trucks, a variety of colors and motifs splashed on the sides and backs with bells jingling on the edges. Colorful and catchy, I thought it would be a great idea to try things for myself. Of course, before attempting any art, i always try digging through references. With some googling, I came across a couple of images that I thought I could integrate into my work. Source: really wanted to draw peacocks so I picked up the design from here. I found it a little weird to have a fish in the tail and a pigeon on the back so I improvised the tail and kicked out the pigeon and the other fish. Source: Full PostComments

New Art Journal Entries

From the Blog noorsplace2 days already in April, this year has had the fastest flow evurrrr. As time is flowing by, I am making the most of my word of the year "*progress*" to walk out of 2016 with a shield that would say "*she didn't procrastinate at all*". Today, I am sharing all the art journal entries I did in the past month. Whenever I start a new page, there's a background story to fill in, which is fun to reminisce later. Let's dive in!!!! Meet this perfect petite thing I call my art journal. I got it from Made By Fatima. Still oOohing over her perfect henna patterns. As I flip through the pages, here's what I have: *Fandoms circa 2013*. I had to rip apart some of my most treasured, teenage-self fave pop culture magazines for this entry, which made me super nostalgic yet excited at the same time. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 548059891217643592 Pakistani Blog Posts


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