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Is US Playing India Card to Check China While Ignoring India's Pakistan Obsession?

From the Blog riazhaqIs the United States trying to play the India card against China while India is much more obsessed with Pakistan? Is the Indian behavior reinforcing the India-Pakistan hyphenation that the Indians claim to detest? To answer these questions, let's take a look at the contents of the media reports on the Delhi visit by the US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter. As the US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter recently went to New Delhi to pursue what he described as "whole global agenda" with India, the Indian media responded by focusing their questions to him on US-Pakistan ties. Here's a sample of what transpired: Indian Media: Why do you continue to have close ties with Pakistan? Ash Carter: India also has relations with other countries like Russia. We respect that. We value our relapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

قدرت، معاشرہ اور صنفی امتیاز

From the Blog umairmalikعورت اور مرد میں صنف کی بنیاد پہ تفریق قدیم ترین انسانی معاشرے کی جڑ ہے۔ معاشرے کی بنیاد دونوں اجناس کے سوسائٹی میں رول ڈیفائن کرنے سے ہی شروع […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1005459849643329029 Pakistani Blog Posts


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