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Lahore School of Economics Conference on Management of the Pakistan Economy - Feedback

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Hanns Pichler Let me first of all wholeheartedly congratulate on a well run conference [on Management of Pakistan Economy] of both scientific and empirical high standards in terms of research, topical contents and style of professional presentation. As rightly mentioned in the wrap-up to the conference,“ the quality of contributions on part of the, younger generation“ of researchers was particularly notable and a truly encouraging sign of visible scientific advancement over the years the Lahore School of Economics and its staff can be proud of! Quite impressive and enjoyable also, by the way, the sovereignty of the speakers in delivering their papers, demonstrating thereby full familiarity with their respective research both topically and methodologically. Myself enjoying thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6801931287422709673 Pakistani Blog Posts


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